
I have 109 tracks (about two CDs worth) of production music from Ren & Stimpy, and I love it when those tracks pop up on shuffle play.

The hell, dude? I have numerous CDs over twenty years old that have all kinds of surface scratches and have been stored in hot and cold places, yet play just fine. Might the problem not be the CD but with the player or your computer's CD drive?

After I ripped my Complete Recordings to the computer, I resequenced it so all the alternate takes were at the end (so they were more like bonus tracks). Makes for a much more enjoyable listen.

Have never seen a square CD. I have a couple dozen mini CDs (or "3 inch CDs") as in Japan they were the standard format for CD singles for quite a while. And one of the covermount CDs I got from MOJO Magazine is completely black on the bottom, but plays just fine.

It really was. Some years back I worked at an English conversation school where we had two "company cars" that the four of us teachers shared to travel to satellite schools. One time I made a mix tape to play in the car that had a working tape deck and left it in there, and over the course of the week the other

Think we'll leave the copying and reposting to you on this one, Diannecmartin1.

Rocked the cassette deck in my 1997 Mazda right up until it died for the last time (which is when I "upgraded" to a 2006 with a CD player). Had a bag of three dozen or so tapes behind the driver's seat, mostly taped off albums and mix tapes - some of them dating back to high school. Still have a bright yellow Sony

I subscribed to MOJO Magazine from 2003 to 2008 and discovered a lot of great music from their covermount CDs. Still have some of them in fairly regular rotation.

The day my Columbia House order showed up with a "clean" version of Black Sunday was a sad day indeed. "When the ship goes down, ya better be ready", urgh! No "A To The K" either.

I got my first car with a CD player less than two years ago. I last bought a CD two weeks ago, and compiled a mix CD last night. And no, this comment is not being posted from the 20th century.

My kids got the first DVD the Xmas before last - sat down to watch with them knowing nothing about it and loved it. Last Xmas they got another DVD with eight more episodes, and since then I've read so many good things I really want to watch the entire series now.

Finished season 2 of Fargo. Over the past ten years the bar for quality TV has been set incredibly high, and based on the strong first season expectations for this show were even higher - yet somehow it managed to surpass them all. Phenomenal show all around - now I want to go back and watch the film for the tenth or

Maude Flanders, though for the most part I'd already stopped watching The Simpsons by that time so I guess it doesn't really count.

Adler? I hardly know her!

When I first heard that album the only other sample I recognized was "Possibly Maybe" by Björk (on "Mutual Slump"), but thanks to that album I discovered Mort Garson and David Axelrod. The "Orion" sample is what first got me hooked though, no doubt.

…And Justice For All was a bit of a letdown after Puppets, though production problems aside it's nothing to be embarrassed by - and "One" really is a damn good song and music video. Even the Black album has plenty of decent songs, though their impact has been dulled over the years by sheer ubiquity.

One of my favorites for sure. I also love how DJ Shadow sampled it in "The Numbers Song".

It's a good thing Metallica decided to call it a day after Burton died and have done nothing to tarnish their legacy in the years since.

More annoying than insane, but the opening track from October Rust by Type O Negative ("Bad Ground") is 38 seconds of low-level buzzing that's meant to sound as if the speakers have been plugged in incorrectly.