
As did side 4 of the original pressing of Metal Machine Music - not that I imagine many people made it far enough to find out.

If you play it backwards, you'll hear this:

Just checked out this article:

I first had Broken on cassette, and the first six songs were all on side A. "Physical" and "Suck" were technically not "hidden" as they were both listed on side B of the actual tape, but the songs didn't start until the side had played halfway through.

The CD version of Songs In The Key Of X (a compilation of songs used in and inspired by The X-Files) has two tracks hidden in the "pregap": "Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum" and a cover of The X-Files theme song, both performed by Nick Cave and Dirty Three. In order to hear them, it was necessary to manually

Finished watching season 4 of Dexter. Overall I liked it - Dexter struggling to find a balance between life as a family man and life as a serial killer, and John Lithgow's genuinely disturbing Arthur Mitchell - but the ending felt cheap. I'm also sick to death of "ghost Dad" and based on what I've heard about the

Predictably is back, in Betty Robinson form!

Really liked this week's theme, and good song choices all around. Some honorable mentions:

When I saw the clip of Kanye approaching the stage after Beck was announced for Album of the Year and then walking away with a smile on his face, for a second I thought he had actually gained some self-awareness and was taking the piss out of himself. Then came the post-show interview…

Forgot about that! Classic ODB moment, and Shawn Colvin seemed to handle it well. Too bad he didn't get to the stage in time to interrupt Puff Daddy.

Wrong awards show, but upvoted because that was easily one of the best things to ever happen at the Grammys.

Jean Claude Van Dammit, I remember that!

Did somebody say…wood?

There was a kid at summer camp who would say, "Jean Claude Van Damme, I'm good!" whenever he did something he thought was cool, which was roughly a hundred times a day. I thought it got old really quick, but somehow he ended up being the most popular kid at the entire camp.

I used to do the 2 to 7 AM shift once a week for almost two years, and most of the people calling in who weren't friends and well-wishers were working night shifts. There were a few regular callers but one that stands out is a guy named Ken, who used to call fairly regularly from some factory and ask me to play "Bush

Dear Threepwood,

Why bother? It'll just be a Re-Hash of every other pun thread.

"Human Behavior" and "Venus As A Boy" (both singles) are still great, though I think I've come to prefer the Fluke remix of "Big Time Sensuality" over the album version. "One Day", "Aeroplane" and "The Anchor Song" are all interesting enough, but the house music sound that is prominent on so many other tracks comes

Supreme Clientele is a masterpiece, easily my favorite Ghostface album and one of my favorite Wu-Tang albums from any era period. But Fishscale is indeed awesome - except for the skit "Heart Street Directions", which is absolutely cringeworthy. It's been years since I listened to the whole thing, but remembered it

No way I'd rate it over Jackie Brown or Reservoir Dogs, but I did enjoy Death Proof. It would probably still end up at the bottom of my list of Tarantino-directed films though.