
Yea no kidding. This is more like a Dexter kit if anything. I want gun's and ammo not small knives to kill serial killers.

I am looking for some new speakers at the moment. Going to grab some Paradigm A2'S.

If you look online a lot of site's are calling it this. They have been for a few weeks. Sorry asshole.

Oh I know. Guess I was just stating how every new HP has a rapper backing it.

Actually it’s the exact opposite. I would never take any nice headphones seriously if an idiot rapper was marketing them. It’s the new fad to either start acting or sell headphones if you’re a rapper.

Yea this sums up a Friday night. Meet a girl like in the last pic. End of the night she looks like pic one. Beer is a blessing and a curse.

Dam I feel like a king. Just grabbed some Denon's for $300. I thought I was on the cheap side for some good can's too.

Really you don't want it but will buy anyways.. That's telling Apple! Maybe buy Android, Windows? I left IOS and love my Android. You may too. There are more fish "OS's" out there not just the same half eaten apple....

"Oh my God. This is just like that drug trip I saw in that movie while I was on that drug trip"

Man I wish we had these over here in the desert. My "spank-tank" is bed sheets held up by pins in the ceiling for walls. With 4 dudes in a tiny room least this looks cool.

"The object was reportedly the size of a VW bus, was glowing bright"

@AlienSix: Thats probably because there were no MB in that video.

I'm lazy I'm not a big reader. I would have read this even if it was 100 pages though. Thanks for the post. An amazing story!