
I had unfollowed him before the election because of that, but I get it. It is hard to just do it entirely. The last time I visited my favorite aunt from childhood after not seeing her for a long time, I was disappointed to learn she had gone all in on this stuff too. :( Thankfully this was not a favorite uncle,

Yeah. I then pointed out that Dr. Ford’s life had been affected and if he did it then the only person who had ruined anyone’s life was Brett Kavanaugh. Then that uncle got unfriended because it’s not like we really interact outside of when he follows me around Facebook to be deplorable.

I said his life wasn’t ruined and pointed out how it wasn’t ruined and then they just came back with how his daughters’ lives are ruined because they have to deal with their father getting accused of sexual assault.

It won’t even be fake news. They will agree and be like yeah she was being a bitch.

Man, I love sour cream. I do not want to think about all the deaths I am responsible for. :(

You are so right, like every comment here is so negative. I suspected it was BS at the time, and it is already starting.

Right? I just had this argument with some middle class white dude who isn’t planning on voting this year because it doesn’t matter since it is rigged anyway. I was like I don’t have that luxury since I could have rights taken away if the wrong people get into power. 

Well of course. I was being somewhat facetious since the stories tend to be that he gets his talking points from whatever he sees on Fox.

But Hannity told him not to. I thought that was the one person he would listen to.

Yeah, I don’t like to go there because of how awful it is. But every now and again I get curious about what kind of awful stuff they are saying. I have the same relationship with the incel boards on reddit. 

I was curious. I looked at Breitbart, it is basically exactly what you said with a lot of crazy. All the lying drunk lesbian socialist sluts who just want to take down a good family man who are getting paid by the Democrats/George Soros to lie about being sexually assaulted.

OMG! Everyone always acts like I am crazy when I say that. But I just cannot stand him.

I am American and lived in Vancouver. My favorite was the lectures from Canadians about how racist we were. I was like you literally just used a racial slur when talking about First Nations people so...

I know, I was disgusted then and I had hoped that would be the last mention of Trump’s penis but I was wrong.

The suburbs seem nice but since I don’t own a car, I never go out there. I have just made my choice to live like super close to work.

It also could be different populations. I wasn’t complaining before because I want a phone that fits in my pocket. I have an SE that is just over a year old which I chose partially because it was a size that I liked. I don’t care if they want to offer huge phones but I don’t think they should get rid of all the

I moved to Syracuse this year and man is it terrible. I moved from cities with public transportation and I don’t even get what the point of buses here is. Like even during the weekday the buses are two hours apart and I live in downtown. And there are like no grocery stores (or even most normal stores) unless you go

Those type of interviews were precisely what made me not vote for him in he primary when I considered it. Someone argued with me that finance people are sooo sensitive so he couldn’t possibly give specific answers. I was like he is running for president, if he can’t find a way to say it then how is he even going to do

That’s what I wanted. I didn’t want to vote for Cuomo, but I also didn’t want to vote for an actress with no political experience for governor.

I know, I am considering that too. I wear flats every day and I walk a lot and I don’t want to spend $200 on something that will be ruined quickly. Maybe it is because I have never seen them in a store to see what kind of quality they are.