
It was interesting. I have done my family tree and I work in genetics so it was kind of fun to compare the results. It did match me with some close relatives so hopefully people you are related to have taken the test if that is what you are looking for.

I did it at 23and me so a different experience perhaps but when I first received my results I had to choose how I wanted to see my ancestry connections and how my data was shared with people. But at the same time if you are doing it for ancestry.com purposes wouldn’t you generally want to find potential relatives? So

Exactly. Whenever people talk about the zombie apocalypse, I am just like nope, I am out of here.

I’m a girl and the whole bulk swiping thing which I have seen most of my guy friends do is why I don’t bother messaging anyone first. I tried at one point, but it was frustrating. Then the guys complain how they do all the work. It’s like if I thought that the matching was an actual indication of interest I might

I just moved back to America from Canada and I am really disliking the whole lake of days off. BC had a three day weekend every month. My coworker was moving to America last year and she was like what days off do you have and the look of disappointment on her face when I named like five three day weekends was pretty

God, I know and then when I visit their sites, it’s always, I see you are using your adblocker. Why don’t you support us? I wish they had a place to tell them that I am still mad about how they handled themselves during the election and how they still do.

I took Prime Pantry once because I wanted to use it and since then it has only been the digital download bribe even though I wouldn’t mind the Prime Pantry every now and again because of lots of snow and no car. So maybe if you take the Pantry once you will get start getting what you want.

It’s why I listen to the Judge John Hodgeman podcast. So much bickering about trivial shit!

I watched it. It was fun but then I forgot about it until the hype for season 2.

I should have read farther because I totally said this in reply to another comment. :)

I also think, that if they were so eager to not have a Nazi win it, why didn’t they find anyone to run against him? I mean that would have been a better solution. One where maybe they didn’t have to robocall people and tell them they aren’t Nazis.

I went with the put forth idea of the rapture so I figured we would lose all the evangelical Christians with the rapture and the cool people would be left behind without all those guys ruining it for the rest of us. But I guess if I think about it with the good non-evangelical types getting raptured, I would choose

Me too, if I had thought about Goop stuff, I would definitely have picked capitalism

Yeah, although I enjoyed once when I was at the grocery store with him like maybe 7-8 years ago so I was in my late 20s and he was flirting with someone at the counter again. And I was like god dammit, that chick was in my class in high school. Also after he and my stepmom got divorced, he always told me that he

That’s too bad. My sister was at least worth his attention. I got attention but only for him to pick apart my appearance and anything that wasn’t perfect. Now he wonders why I don’t talk to him.

I know. I didn’t like him from the start. I ended up watching all of Breaking Bad because I liked the other characters enough. But that was also because I was binge watching it after it was done. If I had to watch it once a week on TV, I hated Walt so much, I wouldn’t have gotten past the first episode.

I’d like to think that, but usually it’s all like he is such a poor put upon guy who is so smart and society is the one keeping him down. I mean if he was such a great teacher then his students would have respected him in the first place. But it could be that I am a scientist hanging out with other scientists and

Lester reminded me of my dad and I always just found him pathetic. Like it’s gross when your dad is hitting on the cashier in the grocery store and that chick is in your biology class. And when you complain about it, “what, I was just being nice.” It’s like no, you were being gross.

I know. I have only been able to convince one person of this. Like he could have had cancer treatment paid for by his friend but he was too “proud” to accept it. He just wanted to sell drugs because he was like fuck it, I’m dying now I can just be the bastard I have always wanted to be.

I still don’t know how probably because my lesson with my dad ended differently. It takes a bit to get the rhythm right and it is even harder when someone is freaking out everytime you stall, so then you get more anxious that you will mess up and of course mess up more. I bet I could have learned if I could have gone