
Yes, when looking at the picture I couldn’t tell if it was his tattoos or sand from the beach. I hope that he just has sand on him because if not, those are bad tattoos.

I know, I have literally corrected people because they seem to have mixed up two different people with the same names and they never change it. Or for example there is one in my family that family history says one thing and the birth record says another. I keep trying to get people to change that and no one does and

Right? And then no one wants to hang out with you when you are learning so you are all alone while the rest of them are having fun together doing harder runs.

I just went in September and it was cold. The tour guide said the general range is 0-10 degrees celsius. I only took French in school and most of them speak English so you should be fine.

Maybe their secret plan is to force the adults to stop buying happy meals. I stopped getting happy meals when they tried to make them healthier and they started coming with like five fries. The fries are like the whole of going to McDonalds.

I’m from a Portland suburb. We started at my high school in 1998 after the Thurston school shooting. I can’t imagine what it would be like to do it as an elementary school student like it is now days

I’m American and if someone asks me what I am, I say that, although sometimes it is a little embarrassing due to things like Trump. If I meet someone from the country my ancestors are from, I might say that my ancestors are from there.

I love when parents/relatives do that. I know about my dad because my aunt told my cousins because they were wondering which of the aunts/uncles had been the sluttiest. Apparently my dad was like 14 and it was the playhouse in my grandma’s backyard. The best part of that was that my aunt had not noticed that my 9 year

I have literally said this in arguments. It does not work. I got some response about it is just a conspiracy to make all of us poor. Another one, his response was basically, fuck you and future generations, I got mine. Several of my friends have said they have tried it too, and it has never worked for them. Basically

I had a global warming argument with someone but left when he started claiming that the money was in being for global warming. I was later talking to a friend about this and was expressing disbelief that someone would think that there was a group that would benefit from global warming being true. My friend looked it

When I was a Girl Scout, The experience varies by troop. I had good troops and learned all the “boy” type stuff but I had just as many friends who quit because their trip was all about makeup.

I am back in the states now, and as much as I love girl scout cookies (I used to have to sell those stupid things), I don’t really go out of my way to find them.

None of the ones we have in the states. I lived in Canada for a few years and was very disappointed the year I finally saw someone selling cookies (Tagalongs are my favorite). The girl I saw only seemed to have some chocolate and vanilla oreo type cookies.

Well that would be cancer adjacent. But I work with stem cells so basically grants are like if anything here goes wrong, you have cancer.

I know, as someone who has a Ph.D. and does research in a cancer-adjacent field, the reason we can’t cure cancer is that everyone’s genetics makes things different and there are a lot of different mutations that can lead to the same cancer. Like one drug that might work awesome in some people might be actually make

It’s not that they start the month with only $1000, its that their budget takes up enough of their income they don’t save money. Example, a person makes $2000/month and bills/food/rent takes up $1900 of that budget. Their budget can’t handle a $1000 emergency or really save anything. And they won’t have more than

We always learned that Taft was a better trust buster than Roosevelt so I don’t think he was that ineffectual.

As someone from Oregon who lived in Vancouver, the last couple years were all oh my god all the time about that, more than usual it felt. But I did learn that Vancouver at least would be protected from the tsunami caused by it by the island. So as long as you avoid Vancouver island, you might be “somewhat ok” if you

Greta Gerwig is a year younger than me, so she was a child when the initial incident occurred. I am sure it would be easier for her to find out but even based on the reactions that happened even here in the Jezebel comments section (I am a very long time lurker), I bet anyone in the industry would have just been like

A little late response... I am not sure what I would be offended by in your comment. I am not really that put off by an initial request, but that isn’t usually the end. The topic is ignored for like five minutes and then asked for again another way, repeat. When I say no which is usually because I don’t really know