cut it out with all your facts and logic. That type of thing scares people even more than mean old guns.
cut it out with all your facts and logic. That type of thing scares people even more than mean old guns.
You know that you can already buy liability insurance policies that pay your defense costs in auto accident cases, right?
There’s not really any contradiction between saying you’re opposed to making one type of insurance coverage mandatory and saying you think it makes sense for people to have a substantially different type of insurance coverage if they can afford it.
Concealed Carry Insurance has been around from multiple companies for years. USCCA, Second Call Defense, CCW Safe, Texas Law Shield, US Law Shield, etc. But now that the NRA has their own, the anti-gun community is losing their crap. Again, mostly because they have a complete lack of understanding self defense.
Forcing it on gun owners and giving gun owners the option to choose to have it are very different things. Your logic here is garbage.
wouldn’t it be far simpler to just become a cop, therefore making yourself immune from repercussions?
How can you be so incompetent that you weren’t aware of multiple nuclear tests by a crazy dictator killing his own family to solidify his power? really? Understand he knows wimps like you are so afraid of war you’ll be okay with him nuking South Korea and Japan as long as we don’t challenge him.
So, when we don’t go to war will you be writing an article about how you were wrong? Didn’t think so.
We might be in the midst of being sold a war. Ok.
I think that issue was the Punisher’s debut?
“but it’s fun as fuck to speculate.”
Nintendo must love losing money to scalpers.
I believe I speak for all of us.
Less important than the explosive force, the bomb will suck all the oxygen out of the caves, leading to catastrophic decompression, meaning the target’s lungs will explode. That is why it is used on the tunnels.
MOAB isn’t a penetrator. Its designed to air burst over the target and cause a pressure wave to flatten everything around it. In the case of a tunnel network, they are especially vulnerable to a nice big pressure wave propagating down the tunnels.
I would assume the point was to destroy as much of the cave/tunnel system as possible with a single munition.
The same person that dropped the bomb is working on healthcare too?