
KKK — that’s 5 sad guys hanging out in a garage under some sheets and White Power posters, eh?

I do like outdoorsy stuff. I like mountains and bridges. When I lived in Flagstaff housing costs came with a premium. Like you pay 10 to 20% over the value of your house and property to live in the area. I’m guessing people who move to Arkansas get a discount.

You and me both! The things is, the most acceptable Democrat is a New Democrat (Hillary, Bill, and President Obama) who are much more pro-business (and get more campaign funding) than we progressives would like. So Bernie will not win : (.

Having Bernie Sanders (a GOD among thinking progressives) enter is a boon to the whole system. He will move the discussion to the left. He deserves your love. He is so awesome.

Oh, just. help me. When I listen to him speak, it’s like he has a brain and he uses it to make connections between economics and social justice and poverty and public policy. When these other politicians speak it’s like dogs barking at the mailman. It makes no fucking sense. No thinking person would spend any second

I will say that living through the Bush I years as a Democrat was so fucking depressing, Clinton was like coming to Jesus. Like the sun finally rose. All the things you care about as a progressive — imagine never having the space to discuss them, it was like every argument about economics, social justice, equality,


Oh, Christina’s World was in Maine. Entirely different part of the U.S.

I drove through Kansas. It was flat as fuck.

I am going to try it (again — I haven’t had Pizza Hut since high school).

If it were the 1850s, we could slide in Mary Wollstonecraft.

Hmmm. You like Pizza Hut pizza?

Right? It seems like a basic exercise in critical thinking would challenge anyone’s racist beliefs. Like, the critical thinking you do when you are 12 and figuring out how the world works.

I’m curious. Besides racists, the worst educational system in America, poverty, heroin, meth, jingoism, and panning for diamonds, what’s in Arkansas? I mean, if I were, like, gonna visit.

I will check that out. Thank you.

When I listen to people who have escaped, like Vykie Garrison, it just highlights how repugnant these movements are, how in service to the weak and defective this type of religion is. I would like to see a Duggar free. And then I would like to see a Duggar educated and go on to expose all the bullshit.

Concur. But I want you to admit that the basis of this foundation is fear. Abject fear. Fear of sexuality: non-traditional and female; fear of sexual rejection; and on the other table, two feet away, fear of sexual and market competition with men who are not fucked in the head mushy-faced losers; fear of competition

So, maybe “justifying” isn’t the word you meant? Religion isn’t about justifying perversions, it’s about demonizing normal human actions, emotions and proclivities. While you would think religion would take a strong stand against rape and child molestation/rape, we have ample evidence it doesn’t. It normalizes sexual

Thank you for this. I could also watch this for hours.
