Eutropius Achaikos

I’m betting the BBC and HBO are patting themselves on the back for filming S1 and S2 back to back instead of waiting, given it may be a long while before S3 even starts filming.

I read Good Morning, Midnight shortly after it came out a few years ago, so I could be wrong, but it seems like this film slips in a lot more details and changes some of the story. Within the novel, whatever the event is that destroys humanity is never really revealed. I actually liked that part, it added to the

Q: Why Bench the CDC During a Pandemic?

There’s irony in using that crashed airplane image accompanying this story, because I’d forgotten this movie was ever made. My memory of the film, much like that plane, is it crashed at the beginning and never got up again. Alicia Vikander was okay, however the overall product was badly plotted, edited, and had no

Thank you for solidifying my memory of the book ending. I remember hating that bleak ending as a kid, but grown-up me kinda loves it. Honestly though, I don’t see this “reimagining” as holding true to that. Then again, I would agree with Dahl that none of the adaptations so far have been very good (the recent Willy

It’s unclear why the series is coming to a close

I second this, they did an amazing job of fitting him right in. 

The mention of The Bitter Suite obligates me to comment it remains one of my favorite musical episodes to date, and the music still pops up in rotation in my playlists. That reminds me, maybe today I should play it.

It was racist, facist, and transphobic AF.

After seeing the Elizabeth Henstridge directed Groundhog day episode, “As I Have Always Been,” it sure seems like it. Fingers crossed.

It’s probably best he doesn’t make it, then.

I have read the first five of the Frank Herbert authored books. They’re not bad, but the quality declines a bit from the first book. I’ve several friends who have read them all and the response is all over. There’s a stark difference between two friends who have read all the Herbert and Herbert/Anderson books.

Ugh, Universal, no. Take your money and use it to support multiple other smaller productions.

My guess is we won’t see Fitz until the penultimate episode.His absence on the season has been very noticeable.

I like that Seth Rogen is appears to be trying to get away from his stoner roots and into more dramatic roles, even if they don’t always work. I would watch this when I’m bored, and it looks better than Long Shot.

(Yes, I’m channelling my inner 12 year old.)

The Wraith Deserves to Be Mentioned Among the Iconic ‘80s Cult Movies

Anson Mount could definitely get it. Just keep that sexy beard, daddy bear.

Many fans of Percy Jackson & the Olympians were less than thrilled with the big screen adaptation of Rick Riordan’s series—the author included.

I read every single Christopher Pike book as a kid. His earlier stuff was more grounded, and better written. His later stuff got... weird, and heavy on supernatural. He had a knack for creative story telling. Fast forward to a couple years ago, when I picked up a couple of his Last Vampire novels, thinking it might be