Eutropius Achaikos

a workplace comedy

So, the Heinsen family [...] are paranormal investigators, will livestream their experiences...” for money. 

Once More with Feeling? Great shout out to Buffy.

You forgot the most important thing: The show could use some actual humor.

I read this about 15 years ago and recall it being very memorable. To adapt this would be a difficult challenge, between the graphic sex and the settings. But for some reason I want to say at least half of the first novel is interior monologues, with Lillith figuring out things. It may be time to reread this for a

No. No. No. The first episode was pretty good, then the second was pretty “meh,” but that third episode was so bad it torpedoed the entire series. And as “wacky and wild” it was, it was shit writing and Not. Good. No one wants more.

Came here to say the exact same thing.

Came here to say... I’m disappointed that io9 seems to be pointedly ignoring that the author of the Altered Carbon series (Richard Morgan) has gone on record as being a transgender exclusionist. On his website, whining about being banned from Twitter for his vitriolic behavior, he specifically says: “... human sex is

What I find interesting about Morgan’s rant about getting banned from Twitter is that he suggests he has trans friends.

Came here to say the same. I don’t even recall any music from watching it. Then again, I try to forget the movie itself.

The different colored eyes is a real sharp touch, a call out that perhaps his prosthetic eye may be important somehow? Wonder if they’ll touch on that.

Two speculations:

Another way to think about it:

So... Abrams is gonna rip off another movie and submit it as TROS? Cos I gotta say, his “bold” take on Star Trek: Into Darkness was... something else.

Season 1 is supposed to cover the first novel, Northern Lights (UK)/The Golden Compass (US). Hopefully it isn’t as butchered as the movie was some years back, and indications suggest it stays true to the actual story which is a relief. *fingers crossed*

Through the 80s, USA Network would run movies all afternoon, and most of them were B-movie schlock or horror films. I was about 10, home sick one afternoon, flipping channels and The Children (1980) was playing. I landed at the scene where girl is knocking on the door and trying to use her nail-black hands to create

Looks like my ex, the one we so kindly call “Voldemort”. Not because of the nose thing (though there IS the resemblance), but because he’s so clingy and when he tries to do selfies he pops his eyes so wide open he looks like an alien.

Let’s see:

Meh. I think GOT is over.

the experience is two days and two nights.