Eutropius Achaikos

I’d like to nominate Dark City (1998) for consideration. It has potential for a three-season arc: what happens before the movie (and how they wind up there), growing resistance and overthrow, then the final season could answer “what happens next?” I’ve always thought the movie spawned even more questions about the

With the crew at quittin’ time.

For those (like me, who were simply curious about the price) without wanting to click through forty links....

Their decision to cancel all the Marvel series seemed odd to me, especially after they claimed they were going well. Then they laid down a bunch of money to keep streaming old shows, and canceled One Day At a Time [citing “costs”], I pretty decided I was cancelling my membership- but I’m waiting to finish the final

I believe GRRM is like a modern day Chaucer- he’s got a great idea and a start on it. But he’s gonna go before he’s finished with it.

I was excited to see El get some other female characters to interact with, but I’m sorry to see that almost all her scenes with Max failed the Bechdel test.

Yeah, I had the same questions about how the Russians did all that (and evacuate in a hurry) as well. They must have had another entrance/exit besides the Starcourt Mall or else they would have been seen by all the crowds above. This must be one of those “movie logic” things, or the Duffer Bros can address it in ST4

I find Okoye’s pose in this poster fascinating. Not only does is her back toward whatever the others heroes are confronting, but she’s in a calm, mediative pose. Thor’s body is angled facing the off-screen threat even though he may be worriedly regarding something else, and Captain Marvel has her body angled away but

I was thinking across the whole genre in general. io9 did a pretty decent article a few months ago [too tired to look it up now] on the recent trend.

[While reading this article:] Good, I really enjoyed watching Leonardo Nam in Westworld and hope he gets great work out of it...

But will the planet be named Barnard’s World, terraformed, and eventually become the home of Sarai and Sol Weintraub and their daughter Rachel?

Personally, I think he’ll kick the bucket before he ever finishes the series, and then when his editors log into his computer to retrieve what he has at that point, they’ll be greeted with a blank file.

No the fuck no times infinity.

Is it really “live action” when it appears to be 99% CGI?

I’d agree with your criteria. Thanos is douchey-hot.

The Body is one of those difficult episodes I’ve seen once, and it stuck with me. I can never watch it again simply because of how eerily close to home it hit.

Those pants are really an unfortunate design.

For HehMan:

“Fog of stupidity” is the best way to describe her impact on the show.

The multiple reports coming out of this entire saga is extremely worrisome, particularly if he’s being manipulated and taken advantage by those immediately around him. That whole blood thing freaks me out and sounds like just the very tip of the iceberg. It’s only going to get messier from here on out. Stan Lee lives