Eutropius Achaikos

The “I have something important to tell you” trope is in almost all of her work. I thought Crosstalk was okay, but better than Blackout/All Clear. THAT duology went on much longer than it needed to.

I’m also sure that DC/WB probably want another trashy Snyder/Michael Bay kind of script- all explosions and no real depth- and that kind of thing doesn’t track with what Whedon crafts. I smell “creative differences”.

Based on viewing the trailer, I’m speculating (and hopeful) that it looks like Spielberg wisely changed the plot momentum killing third act of the book involving the getting into... well...  (spoilers) which really didn’t work. Seems like more action has been added.

I’m getting a huge Sixth Sense / The Others vibe from this trailer. The kids are all dead and don’t know it, aren’t they?

There are better books (even by King) that could be adapted instead. How about The Eyes of the Dragon instead?

Glad I’m not the only one who got a creepy vibe from Lodge’s interest. I half wondered if Lodge’s dislike of Archie was based on a secret lust for the ginger form. The whole episode was full of some serious homoerotic call outs, complete with an extended scene of good ole beefcake daddy Lodge groping up some firm jock

I’m bummed too- I wrote and presented on her three times in college in three different classes. Each time, I was always impressed by how thoughtful and meaningful she strove to be in her writing and in her life.

But the sea cow and the extended casino hijinks were really necessary.

I feel awful reading about this, and I can’t even imagine how Winters feels.

I’d have to go back and reread the books, which I haven’t read since they were released back in the early 90s. There’s so much I’ve forgotten- like I vaguely recall there was a slave uprising that occurred right around Claire and Jamie. Now I can’t decide if I want to go back and reread them...

I think this was one of the worst episodes of the series to date. The climax of the season was completely rushed and then.... that eternally uncomfortable sex scene felt like I was watching which didn’t track well with the episode at all.

The other side of the equation of The Defender’s problems is that the series just wasn’t very good. It wasn’t Iron Fist bad, but... it was definitely lackluster. On the other hand, it did serve as a way to answer certain nagging questions left strewn throughout the other four series. If Netflix/Marvel wants people to

Meh. Still not interested, even as much as I’ve been enjoyed GOT.

Ugh. No. Just.. Absolutely not.

Personally, I’d think a good story would be Rachel’s redemption for what she did to her Leda sisters. Her last scene in the finale hinted that she wanted to connect, even if she knows she can never be truly trustworthy.

Lost’s Elizabeth Mitchell has joined the series as a character, currently unnamed, who brings “a new, spiritual perspective to the series.”

Well, technically it was made by Canadians and Disney just distributed it. But that version sucked for sure.

I’d say the first two seasons were kick-ass. The third season was rocky, then the final two seasons got so weird that it was unwatchable. I was discussing this series with a friend and we concluded that the show- reboot, continuation, whatever, would best be served if they dropped the ridiculous prophecy mythology and

You didn’t see Merlyn die on-screen, which is always clue for “he’s not dead”.

I kept looking at Stephen Moyer’s bland haircut and wishing Lafayette was handy to tell him to fierce up.