Eutropius Achaikos

If you’re expecting any, you’d be very disappointed because there’s no sex in this serial.

The day Arrow drops flashbacks is the day they’ll start using flash forwards.

Or much more likely the real answer is some thing like this:

Ryan Reynold’s mooning made my day. He does have a great butt.

I’ll save you from ever wondering. It isn’t good.

It sounds entirely humorless. I’m predicting it will be quickly cancelled... by March.

I have a lot to look forward to this spring from this list... but I still remain puzzled how Riverdale fits into the science fiction/fantasy genre.

I really wanted to like this show. Great special effects, conceptually sound... but then it went pretty much nowhere. By the last episode of the first season, I was done. Somehow, I sat through two more seasons and disliked it more and more. Because really, all I wanted to see was how Kiera was going to get home

My (former) roommate would watch this religiously. I hated it. One night he turned it on as I was reading a book and obviously not paying attention. About 10 minutes in I looked up at the screen, pointed at the actor, and said “Oh, he’s the killer.”

Well, if they’re getting Dick Van Dyke a role in the sequel, this immediately makes me thing that Julie Andrews MUST have a cameo. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Really? Three completely unasked-for sequels to Suicide Squad?

I’ve seen this episode once, and only once. It just kills me thinking about it.

I have to go with “The Body”. It so perfectly encapsulates the dreadful shock and numbness that comes from finding your mother, which happened to me several years prior to the episode.

Anne Rice’s work stands as proof that she’s a hack.

I guess that means the new series will be cancelled that much faster because no one in the US watch it until it hits Netflix. That is, consumers won’t log in to some lousy commercial driven app, it’ll show up on the torrent sites within hours, and the studios will declare it DOA. Of course, Paramount has already

This show is already a major sausage fest, and they’ve cast more male characters?

Looks and sounds a lot better than the first season’s 80s-based theme... Of course, I found most of the music during the first season to be overproduced, too loud, and synth-crappy. Very often, any music playing would wind up throwing me out of the story more than once.

For some reason this post made me immediately think of John Christopher’s Tripods trilogy.

One of the things you don’t address is most immunospressed people are strongly warned not to drink tap water. Example: friends (within the US) who have seroconverted to HIV+ have been told point blank by their doctors not to drink any tap water, even if they use a filter, but instead to buy bottled (distilled) water.

The fact that I thought the first two entries in the rebooted film series sucked is irrelevant.