Eutropius Achaikos

All the loose-end plot holes you’ve listed are great, and coincide with my biggest peeve with Daredevil season 2 ... which is the shitty story editing. My best example is the scene where Karen breaks into Frank’s home, she sets off an alarm. When she looks down from the second floor window and sees the van of (CIA?)

At least the Divergent series running time, on whole, will be *much* shorter than the misery DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is currently inflicting on its audiences.

Let’s hope this version is much better than the Canadian/Disney channel movie from 2003. Which was so bad it wrecked almost all my good-will towards the original novel.

So... if you hate the show so much, why bother watching it?

Well, hurrah! Just in time for vacation.

Ditching the ridiculous “membership fee” and offering discounts broadly might help draw in more patrons.

Oh Ridley Scott. Just... Stop. You may have good ideas, but you need to edit. Now you need three movies to get to explain one throwaway scene?

After wading through 200+ replies and comments here, I find it a bit discouraging to see only two, maybe three women directors wish listed. (I am specifically not including the Wachowskis here because one is a male.) Where are the women here? So I’m going to take this an extra step and limit myself to only female

I have issues with Barry being blinded by Dr Light and not healing immediately, but yet earlier in the same episode when he catches speeding bullets, he doesn’t suffer burns on his hands or even wince at the heat. (Yes, I know that bullets cool off rapidly when they exit the barrel, but they should still be warm in

Listening to this only makes me need a new Portal game.

Well, dammit... There goes the weekend.

You can probably figure it out.

Seems only fair. She wasn’t the only one.

I think the off-kilter feeling was part of the build up in the story as he gained more control over his ability. His ex-girlfriend never seemed to have issues, from what was hinted.

Way too many dangling threads. Klothos, Lachesis, and Atropos would all have a fit.

*investigates wikipedia* Whoops, you’re right. For some reason I kept thinking it was on NBC. Yeah, that was back when every show wanted the Grey’s Anatomy ratings. That’s why I mentioned the network’s (ABC in this case) mistake of incorrectly marketing it. Damn the bastards!

My reply is focused more on series finales, but I’m going with it because I have two that still drive me crazy to this day... in addition to the often-commented SG:U and The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

If this happened, it would be great if they could resolve some of the nagging storylines sloppily left dangling between the other movies and TSCC .

Burner Account. Because.