Eustache Dauger

My guess would be that J’onn didn’t fully wipe their minds. He just locked the memories away behind a timer like Brainiac did to himself.

Saying Twitter does better than Facebook is akin to saying dog shit smells better than pig shit. A thing isn’t good just because it’s better than the worst.

You’re still one up on me. I’m not entirely convinced we’ll still be around to look back.

...while South Carolina on the other hand is like a good times magnet of sorts, always providing something new and enjoyable for people who want to get the most of out of life. 

Or if you look at it as having been written by Buster Bluth.

Now playing

There is only one answer to this question.

Is anybody here really surprised that Taylor Swift would play a role in the downfall of society? It seemed obvious. Like when someone who always plays a villain plays the victim’s neighbor on a murder mystery.

Trump believes he’s innocent. Trump believes he’s intelligent. Trump believes women would allow him to touch them even if he didn’t pay them. You can put pretty much any dumbass thing after the words “Trump believes” and it would be true.

Now playing

I’d bet it’s real. Trump has a history.

They’ve had that for quite a while. It’s just rare to see it in a DJ bot like Boris rather than a BJ bot like Natasha.

Two thoughts. First, it looks like an old Esurance commercial. Second, I wonder if that’s supposed to be Zack and Ivy in the second picture.

They all have stunningly mediocre debuts. It takes about a year for them to figure out who their Doctor is and build it for the audience. Until then, it’s just fast talking and odd references because clever and alien.

I don’t think that was his thought process. I think he read (or, more likely, someone read to him) that it was all done by an unnamed individual. That must mean he’s off the hook. He can’t be the unnamed individual because he has a name. If Mueller tries to call him an unnamed individual, it only proves that Mueller

The adopted son of Darkseid is tweeting for Trump? That seems to check out.

As a Plastic Man fan, I’m just glad he’s finally getting something. I’m a bit tired of seeing Elongated Man subbing in for him at every turn.

Complaining about imaginary spoilers is a sure ticket to the bad place.

If you put the cheese in the middle it’s the bastard child of Sloppy Joe and Juicy Lucy. I call it a Filthy Lou.

The idiocy of your child is neither relevant nor in doubt.

Why does anybody buy Funko Pops? I just don’t get it. This kiwi with googly eyes looks as much like [insert character here] as what they’re selling.