Eustache Dauger

I’m glad Law is in it at all. It was bugging the crap out of me that the MCU had two Sherlocks and only one Watson.

What the hell was Ivanka Trump even talking about before?

Who gives a shit if they knew the real reason he wanted to go there? His motivation has no bearing on their actions.

I’m sure that had nothing to do with the fact that it went up against Infinity War. 

From comparing Star Trek to a western in space to pretending those criminal elements weren’t just as big a part of the original trilogy as the Jedi, everything you just said is objectively incorrect. If you don’t like the roguish half of Star Wars, that’s cool. Move on, is what I say. But don’t pretend that movies

Personally, I wouldn’t even go that far. I don’t care about the Jedi, but a lot of people do. What made the original trilogy great is that it had Luke for the people who like that stuff, and Han for the people who don’t, and for the bulk of the movies, they were equally important. Luke’s off with Yoda and everyone

I loved Star Wars. Right up until the prequels. The intense focus on the Jedi/Sith/Skywalker stuff bored the snot out of me. It made me realize I didn’t actually care about any of that in the original trilogy, either. I liked the smugglers/gamblers/mobsters/bounty hunters. I gave zero shits about anyone with a

As much as I love Spinal Tap, these reunions always bother me. Throughout the movie they are shown to be constantly changing. Spinal Tap was only their current iteration. They were the New Originals and the Thamesmen before that. Hell, Spinal Tap was originally a hippy band. They were always changing names and styles,

That is the shriveled remains of an umbilical cord. The fact that he didn’t have one before means 3 things. 1) This is a new Gritty. 2) Grittys grow to adulthood very rapidly 3) They are capable of asexual reproduction.

“It was posted on Snapchat by several people,” Anthony told the Springfield News-Leader. “I immediately screenshotted it. I know for a fact it was taken by someone who was there.”

Apes, dolphins, elephants, raccoons, etc... The smarter the animal the more likely it is to get bored, get wasted, and rub one out.

Prey drive instinct makes them chase the bumper. When they catch it, they’re pissed off that it hurt their teeth. This is all moot, however, since dogs chase the tires, not the bumper. The ones that catch them end up smeared in the wheel well.

The dog always gets mad at the bumper. It’s like you’ve never met a dog.

The hotel. It’s literally their business.

You seem to forget that Fox News is for boomers. They aren’t worried about insurance because they have medicare. They aren’t worried about student loan debt because they went to school back when it was affordable. They don’t care about the future because they won’t live to see it. All Fox News has to do to scare them

Tell that to The Rescuers.