Eustache Dauger

They’ll still end up Disney. We’ll all be Disney, in the end.

That’s not what it looks like when Captain America leaves the suit behind.

When I was a kid there was always an ad in the classifieds of the newspaper for a phone sex line. 976-HOT-DUCK. I had to grow up a bit before that one clicked.

Spishak is the best company since KrebStar.

“Tantrum worthy of a two-year old” is the default state of Republicans.

Boy Scouts Of America has been planning this shift away from gendered activities since last year, with the name change being announced back in May, and Girl Scouts has maintained that this will undermine its own work with kids child labor sales force.

The future is what I call the Synthetic eMotional Intelligence Learning Elector.

The future is what I call the Synthetic eMotional Intelligence Learning Elector.

I think my point was quite clear. Comics have a tool that allow them to self-censor and keep things kid friendly. That is not functionally the same as movies being censored by a third party after they’ve already been released in their uncensored form. In comics, there is no uncensored form.

It’s clearly a prequel to Dead Snow.


Act like a shit and someone’s going to flush you. The brat should have realized his teacher had one hand on the handle.

Encourage your kids... to hit each other.

You don’t hear a lot of bleeping in theatrical releases. That’s an edited for TV thing, which this version of Deadpool 2 may very well contain.

He hasn’t needed it, but he also hasn’t really avoided it. In a movie it would only take two “%*#@”s to get an R rating. The gore wouldn’t help, either.

His PG-13 status in comics has been helped along by the fact that comics, unlike movies, let you say things like %*#@ you!” and “Eat &^!~.

The idiot cops are more likely to shoot one of their own and pin it on someone they can claim is one of the bad guys with a gun. They just need to find one of those troublesome “good apples” first.

Or skip the “still waiting on this” email. 

In that case, I have a huge bowl of sandwiches left over from Halloween. I might have a Twix sandwich in a minute.

If the first email is the first reminder, wouldn’t the third email be the fourth time you’ve asked?