Eustache Dauger

Maybe they can cancel the rest of the shows and just sell them Hulk Hogan instead. He seems happy there. We don’t really want him. Everyone wins.

Provide means “make available”. They are not “providing leave” if they are forcing her to take it. It’s her option, not theirs.

The answer to all your questions is “taxidermy”.

Where I come from grandmothers don’t have couches. They have sofas. Or davenports. Occasionally a settee. Never a couch.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) doesn’t cover pregnancy, and it would be an interesting legal gambit to see how this is implied as “being the law”.

He had more than just a pistol. He said his panic room had enough weapons that they could all have one in each hand.

Yes. And she kept insisting that they don’t kill humans, as though the fact that they had never before been large enough to kill humans wasn’t a factor. It’s like she earned her PHD from Remedial University.

Yes. And she kept insisting that they don’t kill humans, as though the fact that they had never before been large enough to kill humans wasn’t a factor. It’s like she earned her PHD from Remedial University.

Intelligent Qube is one of the few games on that list I was actually pleased to see.

Technically, there have been white people on the Simpsons.

Except Fisk pulled that thread and accomplished nothing because Foggy has his shit together. Unlike Nadeem, Foggy didn’t just keep going further down the rabbit hole trying to save his own ass. He knew that playing ball meant hurting innocent people, so he told his family they’d just have to take their medicine and

Foggy has a thing. He’s the one that has his shit together. He does what everyone else should have done. It’s boring, but there’s not a lot of drama in avoiding problems.

Just keep burrowing deeper into your own ass. It’s a nice, cozy, little world up there where you never have to admit you’re wrong and everyone is dumb enough to think you’re smart.

My parents are the same way. I find that when they pull a “my sister in law never has these problems with her Apple”, most people roll their eyes and let it go, encouraging them to keep it up. They’ve gotten their heads most of the way out of their asses since I started responding with “that’s because my sister in law

You don’t know, don’t care, and still won’t shut up. Boy, are you ever in the right comment thread. You’re proving people’s points all over the place.

His parents? You mean Threadgent and Yarngamine?