
I've got a 2011 2-door Stage 2 DSG GTI...and I'm in love with it.

I'm on I-90 daily, and it is one of the top reasons I still have a dual-clutch over a manual.

I'll support the I-90 / Kennedy nomination. It sucks, and many of the on-ramps / exit-ramps are Eastbound / Westbound only. There are currently plans to expand it...though I don't think the 4th lane will go all the way to the room to expand it there as was mentioned.

I'm still struggling to accept the fact that a video game store employee has procreated.

They always stab the wrong guy...

I guess we'll see what the US gets, but the Si and tC seem to forever be pigeon holed as boy racer under-performers. The Type R they are discussing seems fantastic...and I don't see the Honda Civic over here getting anything close.

Let's name all the USDM Hondas that have turbos.

It would be my pleasure to explain how it is relevant.

My Stage II GTI kills a Golf R.

The F2P model varies widely when it comes to details. Many MMO's, FPS, and games in general do it differently.

Another douchebag motorcyclist? Not news.

Golf R looks purdy in white.

You're not wrong. But it is what it is. Males have a certain programmed physical competitiveness, and females like to stick out in a crowd. It is science.

Same reason you wouldn't trust a girl who isn't into dressing up and going out. It seems off.

Never trust a male that isn't interested in sports.

I like my GTI's steering wheel a ton.

#1 Fantastic job of replicating my car's interior for a mobile phone game. Wow.

Yeah, you're wrong, but that is okay. Lot of people are wrong a lot of the time.

I'm a fan of Bill Simmons...and I liked him last night.