
I also believe that it is a late 90's Oldsmobile 88.

Maybe the regular jobs you have access to...

If people are going into this thinking it would be a way to make real money...well, they aren't the brightest bunch.

Anybody here who is even the smallest bit upset is an idiot. Sorry. This is true. These are in-game items that Blizzard themselves created. You don't own them, even if you have it on your character. They could bind everything on pickup, would you like that?

Uncooler friends.

I don't mind them pushing the PvP back until a later date. I don't play on PvP'ing until end game anyway.

Mostly agree. I think FF VI and FF VII still are held in a little bit of a higher regard, but I'd love to see another Chrono game.

Tails is a part of Sonic. He isn't really a side character. I'd consider Knuckles like that a bit as well, though not as much.

So glad you understand.


Some people don't like any XBox offerings. The XBox does not have one single exclusive title I want to play in the least. I'm content with my PC and PS3. PC for graphics / multiplayer gaming and PS3 for their fantastic first-party / exclusive titles.

I've got an i5-2500K overclocked to ~ 4.7 Ghz, 8GB PC-1600 RAM slightly overclocked, and an 8800GTS G92 512MB card and I can run Skyrim on mostly High, some Ultra, almost max draw distances 1920x1200 with fantastic FPS. The game is DEFINITELY CPU heavy.

Runs fine on my PC, almost everything on highest settings, 4x AA and 1920x1200.

I'm not as down on this game as most. Prototype 1 wasn't that good...but I think the inFamous franchise and other games in general have given them ideas as to how to improve the game. Better characters / storyline...a more responsive, realistic world...there are many things they can do to take what was a below

Where is Darryl's office?

Agree with this. I think the author was reaching around a bit with this...

LoTRO is an MMO, significantly older than SW:TOR...and the graphics in that game far surpass the graphics in this one. It is upsetting that Bioware did not figure out another way around this. It isn't like it cannot be done.

Neil Funk is also the name of the Chicago Bulls' play-by-play guy on TV broadcasts. is even a name with basketball connections.

How about a Honda Fit? I owned one right before my GTI. A Honda Fit has a separate window for the cargo area, and the roof covers the entire cargo area. But to me, that is still a hatchback. The term Wagon should cover A3's, Jetta Sportwagens, Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback, Dodge Magnums, etc..

So according to this, my 2011 GTI is a wagon? No thanks, I disagree with these rules being concrete. Cars as small as the GTI cannot be wagons.