
Team Ico is not a very large takes time. But they Ico and SotC are amazing games...there is every reason to believe this will be as well.

My boss has one. Its really nice.

I'm super excited for this game. I enjoyed the first...its not my favorite FF by any means, but it was a solid game...and the linearity only made the story telling stronger. I expect this game will be more open ended...and I will enjoy them telling more of the story of Lightning and the rest of the characters.

It is terribly ugly.

Crush the Castle is identical, but instead of birds it is artillery type stuff from a catapult. But they do the same things.

Looks good.

Waiting until the next time it's on Steam. I like keeping my PC games all through Steam.

But if no one buys the game new from those developers after it is made, that publisher will no longer work with that developer. And then they don't get paid. Open your mind.

The game was fun...but after I got further into it...the battles simply took too long, and I couldn't invest enough time in each sitting for it. Saving and coming back is an option, but the issue with that is you forget or lose your strategy after a couple days away. While I wanted to beat it for the story / graphics,

If you want to get into multiplayer shooters, get a PC. FPS just isn't the same on a console.

FFXIII got mixed reviews, so a few places reduced prices on it quickly.

PC gaming is still great, but ports are why I have both a PC and PS3. Games that were made for console I play on PS3, and games made for PC I play on PC. I get the best of both worlds, solid first party Sony titles and excellent Valve games, indie games, and such from Steam.