
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a groups of assassins from Baltimore.  I would however, recommending not standing near windows, have someone else start you car in the morning and avoid crabs and Natty Boh for the foreseeable future.

Wait are we still doing that?

Give it a week, supposed to be in the 60's for the first week of October, well depending on where in New England you live.

The REAL story in this incident is what the hell is going on with that guys shaved head/man bun combo?

I guess the correct title for this article wouldn’t generate enough clicks.

He’s directly responsible for a measles outbreak in a Minnesota Somali community where he spoke about the “dangers” of vaccination.  It lead to a dramatic drop in immunizations rates, and the resulting measles outbreak.  How he hasn’t been charged with reckless endangerment I’ll never know.

There was a penalty on the extra point that moved the ball closer to the goal line, so the switch from kick to 2 pt conversion, while aggressive, was a but more understandable.  But I didn’t agree with the playcall at all.

After much struggle Antonio Brown situation ends in happy ending for Bob Kraft

Try de-aired water.  

Reverse osmisis doesn’t remove all arsenic. Would also require a pre-treatment system.

So what role do the midichlorians play in Force Ghosts?

Or a lawyer on retainer?

Pats fans last Friday - What stupid low class organization would sign Antonio Brown?!?

I think the next phase of the MCU will build to the eventual re-introduction of the X-Men. I just hope it’s a total slate wipe from the Fox X Universe. I know they did Spiderman that way, but they were essentially borrowing the character from Sony. With Disney now owning Fox, I hope there isn’t internal pressure to

Is Dan Marino holding for Adam?

Tony’s back?

I person I worked with in Dallas, whose son’s HS had a 5 year waiting list for football tickets.

I think it’s funny that Alexa had some teams pre-loaded as favorite when I went to add my teams.  I can understand the Pats, as I live in MA.  Although I am actually Ravens fan.  But why the Yankees, Knicks and Lakers were there I have no idea

A few of the theaters near me, the ones where every seat is a recliner, allow you to pre-order tickets and select your actual seat, which is great. You can stroll in as late as you want.

I don’t mind trailers. But if I’m at a 7:30pm movie, I’d like the actual movie start before 8pm.