
This type of situation is why I grew up on a “Garth” which isn’t any sort of street designation. A garth is an enclosed courtyard, typically in a cloister.

But can you explain why we drive on a “parkway” and park in a “driveway.”

Geoff 2.0

I can’t believe it’s not butter

As a former Baltimore native, I don’t care what happened out there.  My only though as I clicked the article link was “Oh dear god don’t let this be about the O’s”

I’d also argue that this movie is one of those ones that lose an awful lot when not seen in a theater.  Sitting in a completely dark theater, hearing the actors whisper while noises sounds all around you was pretty immersive.  It also helped that the theater I saw it in, turned down all the lights, even the ones along

I’ve gotta disagree with you, I was in my late 20's when the movie came out and the use of long stretches of almost absolute darkness in the theater while hearing the actors talk and odd sounds all around you, freak me out and really drew me into the experience. No the actors weren’t going to win an Oscar for their

Well that sucks!  So the next Spiderman movie will make no mention of Ironman, the Avengers, etc. I guess.

Royal Farm Stores kick Wawa’s ass, lol

Ever been to South Boston?

I am Flula of Borg, resistance is futile

The dreaded “Hot Pocket” curse

I have to admit, this is one of the most hilarious things I’ve seen in a while.  

If it makes the noise when I move, I’ll buy it today.

So basically, sleep in the tub, inside a full body plastic bag, sealed around your neck (but not over your head), with your luggage in a separate plastic bag on top of you.

You must have full percussion of the clap all the way to the ground.


In simplest terms, either the West bends to his will or he’ll burn the world down around us all.

No love for Vampire Urban in Priest?

Last time I saw Janeway she’d developed a Russian accent and was kind of a big deal in a prison.