
I think it’s pretty obviously that Smart Hulk would have lost a rematch. Just an eye test, but the “Smart” Hulk version appears physically smaller than the “Other Guy” Hulk. Which kinda makes sense if anger fuels the Hulk.

I may be in the minority, as I was never a game side Master Chief fan, but a fan from the novels. But I’d love to see the first season tie into the “Fall of Reach” movie.  I thought that was a pretty well done Halo “Universe” movie.

I like to consider myself a “people” and I do not need this

Ahh the age of “I think I’ll watch this video clip” *click* “Hmm I make a sandwich, and maybe run some errands while it loads.


The issues with tunnels and production rates isn’t solely a technological one. Tunnel boring machines are constantly setting new records for production. There is no magical fix to double or triple advancement rates. They are dependent on the soil or rock you’re tunneling in, the presence or absence of water, and the

I don’t expect Musk (or someone working for him), to tell him just because you know which end of the bat you’re supposed to hold, doesn’t mean you can stand in against Randy Johnson. Speaking just about the Boring Company, it’s like he spent 15 minutes looking at an artist illustration of a tunnel and said he could do

Just have them applied to the front hood and rear trunk lid with decals, like NASCAR numbers.  You can opt for the classy side decals too if you want. 

I’ve always felt that our early experiences with food often “defines” what certain flavors should be. I grew up on UTZ Barbeque chips and I’m constantly comparing other BBQ chips to those. To my pallet UTZ is what BBQ chips should taste like. I’ve enjoyed many other brands, but I guess my young developing brain (and

You don’t have to be blowing it on fancy things.  Live near a major city and it’s pretty easy to earn a lot of money and be “functionally” poor.  I’d bet that there’s a pretty high percentage of people making mid six figures who are either paycheck to paycheck or pretty close to that.

The houses had been evacuated.  But those type of storms are flash floods.  There is time to prepare.  

That’s why I adhere to the “Patches O’Houlihan” method for dealing with urine.

If only the mid-engine C8 hadn’t alienated the base of hard core traditionalist Corvette buyers, it might have sold better.

Sorry, I let me “centralism” show.  How rude of me.  

Luckily there is no issue with gerrymandering in this country anymore.  Look at any district lines in any states and you see idiotic things like this.

So are all these “National/International” XYZ food days, just an attempt to try to get free food out of various franchises?

Only kind of. Queen Maeve, is Starlight after being beaten down by the system for a decade or two. I’ve only seen the show, not the comics, so I’m not sure where her arc may take her.

Yes, I understand that Thanos is a bad ass, gauntlet or not. The final battle in Endgame pretty much shows that if they had gotten it off earlier, they’d have gotten their butts kicked on Titan. I find it humorous, in the deleted scene that Star Lord, who by his own memories, just moments ago, hate Tony and let his

Sarcasm, look it up.  But whether it would have changed anything or not Star Lord was a major asshat

Geez, guess I touched a nerve!  Obviously things worked out the way Dr. Strange saw them.  Star Lord was just the right amount of asshat to keep to the 1 in 14+million situations the good Dr. looked into.