
Gunpowder doesn’t need external oxygen to ignite. It’s an explosive. Gasoline is not an explosive, it’s a combustible. So to make a gasoline gun work you’d need a cartridge that has gasoline, air and most importantly a way to atomize the gas into a vapor (for most efficient combustion). In this case gunpowder wins

That’s right kneel Star Lord.  If you hadn’t been a jackass you all coulda pulled off the gauntlet pre-snap and everything would have been all right

You know I think that quote from Lucas reveals a lot about why the prequels had issues with fans.  OK the sequels had a LOT of issues.  But I think if you realize that those movies were never targeted to the adults who grew up watching the original movies.  It was aimed at their kids.  And I think generally, if you

Every engine, supercharged, turbocharger or naturally aspirated, has a certain amount of its power output, robbed by the other things it needs to power, AC, power steering, power brakes, alternator, etc.. Technically, you could include internal friction as a drain, but we’ll let that lie. So if the engine completely

Any word if “Song of the South” will be a hidden easter egg on the site?  Honestly can’t say I’ve ever seen the actual movie, although I’m of an age where it’s possible, maybe on VHS (or Betamax).  I’m definitely of an age where “Zippity Do Da” is THE Disney song.

I’ll preface this by saying I’m not a Trump person. But imagine if Obama had had something similar happen to him.  I’m a firm believer that you can not like the person and still show respect to the office.  

So they’re only making the slower, duller, (IMO) crappier part of the book? Perfect.  As long as the Weirding Way isn’t some ridiculous audio weapon.

I’ll never forget, my brother-in-law’s reaction when he asked my then 3 yr old what is favorite movie was. My son responded “Rawr, Rawrs!!!” and went to go grab the DVD. Seeing my son hand him the Jurassic Park DVD was priceless. I’m pretty sure my brother-in-law was expecting something like Land Before Time.

I’ll never forget, my brother-in-law’s reaction when he asked my then 3 yr old what is favorite movie was. My son

Did you mean to include the Ultimate Ears speaker in the lead photo?  Not mentioned in the list of deals.

Did you mean to include the Ultimate Ears speaker in the lead photo?  Not mentioned in the list of deals.

Where do you pin the badge?

I’m pretty sure the difference stand out, pretty easily.

God how do you explain what you’re reading when a coworker sees you laughing so hard you’re crying and unable to breath?

But, but, but, pop up headlights add like $1200 to the price, right?

Those drones are gonna spend a LOT of time hovering over my couch.

Isn’t that pretty much the exact design of the Replicators in the Stargate univere?

I for one refuse to believe that any company where interns develop an app as far reaching and useful as “Exchangeagram” could ever be evil.

Well so much for dinner tonight

I guarantee that it will definitely submerge in water.

Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please.”

Has anyone ever put together a solid theory on why there are these huge changes in the looks of the Klingons and Romulans over incredibly small numbers of years?  I’m not sure if it was official or a fan theory that the Romulans and Klingons of TOS were modified to be less “alien”. There are disappearing brow ridges,