
I saw a Catholic Priest on one of those History Channel shows being all like, "Who are we to say that God could only make life on this this planet? One should never limit god..." something like that... I was paraphrasing...

People who think that religion is incompatible with extraterrestial life are idiots.

Uh oh! Looks like Cap could use some Rust-Oleum Stops Rust brand paint. This superior product delivers a smooth, durable finish that's resistant to wearing, chipping and fading no matter how many times it gets punched or used to deflect bullets. So next time you're pitted against an enemy agent who has come in from

"The 1989 Batman movie was the first comic book movie that got comic books right."

I think Apotheosis hit it squarely on the head. A lot of movies that are considered flops actaully still made a slight profit. So, as far as the money people in the global film industry are concerned, the movie, however bad, is still a success.

For me, a "bomb" is a film that either made no real profit, or hardly made any to justify it's cost of making it. As for what makes a film flob or bomb, well it's mutliple factors, and it's not an easy thing to predict all the time. Some movies do poorly at the box office because of it's lackluster marketing, other

Half of these posts prove that no matter what some people try to do, there will always be a dedicated corps of the eternally offended who will find fault in whatever they do.

I'm getting sick of these non-troversies. I had played with LEGO (Before the brick people) and Star Wars figures even though my main thing was Barbie and My Little Pony. Sure, I still find LEGO amusing (Even though my main focus is Monster High and Ever After High nowadays), but why can't some people accept the fact

Nice to see that this poor little girl is already being taught by her parents that she's a victim at the age of SEVEN! Over some fucking legos.

Are we doing that thing where we expect soulless corporations to ignore profit and raise our daughters for us by portraying some platonic ideal we cannot adequately convey?

It says a lot about drunk teenagers that he was able to rack up a body count. After the first few, you'd think they'd realise it was a bad idea.

Except the article is laced with references and real names so unless you want to blatantly call the writer a liar then I'd take it at surface value. This is pretty damning line...

"Let's start with what we know. Almost everybody agrees that there are between 20,000 and 25,000 polar bears alive today. Here's another

This is stupid.

It's called a baiting headline.

Lowest level of sea ice ever 34 years. If the Earth is 4.54 billion years old, we've been recording the sea ice for about .0000008% of it's existence. That's plenty of information to write alarmist posts about! Isn't that like doing a demographic study of the US population based on two people?

There's some evidence that the Polar Bear decline and low sea ice levels amounts to correlation, not causation. The WSJ ran a good article a while back about this: Are Polar Bears Really Disappearing?

I hope you are prepared for the flood of hate speech you are bound to receive from the "tolerant" and "open-minded" liberals on here.

Before we start going through the "humanity sucks" self flagellation...may I remind everyone that stuff dies every second of everyday and that we aren't the cause of it. (edit: We aren't the cause of all of it.) Global warming (or climate change) is historical and not necessarily a result of humanity.

He should've pulled up his bootstraps, amiright?