
having a “career” shouldn’t be a requisite for having a living wage.

Still a big fan of Blackthorne. It just stuck with me.

Was playing some Rock N Roll Racing on my SNES just the other day

You can probably imagine how many times during a match I’ve shouted “STAND BEHIND THE SHEILD. IT MAKES YOU INVULNERABLE. LOOKIN AT YOU MCREE”.

It will for awhile till production shifts to the ZI with of course a largely increased # of robots so that it will use many fewer workers than it did before the Mexican move, further decreasing the possible # of increased jobs so net employment will be DOWN. Bloomberg had a good article on WALMART in its attempt, not

I think they just used the 35 percent tariff Trump threatened to impose.

They don’t because Republicans are afraid making it easier to vote means more minorities will vote. It’s really as simple as that.

I will cop to the fact that the whole registration system is ludicrous.

Thank god I live in Washington state where all balloting is done by mail (you get your ballot on the 24th of October) and you are registered automatically when you get your drivers license.

In his own words, they don’t make predictions. They just analyze trendlines to tell you what the polls are saying. He has said repeatedly he’s not in the business of making predictions.


“[E]verything depends on one’s assumptions, but I think that our assumptions—a Clinton lead, sure, but high uncertainty—has repeatedly been validated by the evidence we’ve seen over the course of the past several months,” Silver told Politico in a story published today. “The idea that she’s a prohibitive, 95

Especially since I apparently didn’t read the title thoroughly and thought it was about the Nazi base in Antarctica.

Black helicopters is 3, 2, 1...

I did Nazi that coming.

They employ students to swipe other students in, sure. They don’t employ students to don hairnets and braise 200 chicken thighs.

I bet they did Nazi that one coming.

Yes for Constantine.