
So sensible shoes prevent women from finding love? We need to choose to hurt ourselves or never be loved? Really? How am I married? This describes me pretty much all the time, other than not bothering with any hairdo at all....

Publishers can, and often do, file them for anything with a similar title. It’s been known for teachers to get these against them when hosting student’s original works because eod the titles.

Right, because I totally didn’t mention how “Many modern birth aids are amazing and worthwhile and life saving when used correctly.”

yes. Thus the danger of assuming doctors know best.

Right, because I totally didn’t mention how “Many modern birth aids are amazing and worthwhile and life saving when used correctly.”
Also, most of those deaths were related to illness and infection, much of which was actually carried by doctors prior to hand washing :)


In all fairness eating the placenta isn’t something practiced since the dawn of humanity.

Initially modern.methods actually INCREASED the mortality rate, and in many cases, still are. There is a massive disconnect between what women need to do during birth and what doctors WANT them to do during birth. Things like having women lie on their backs throughout Labour increase patina nd make it harder to give

Absolutely. Of course the effect will be disproportionately negative in minority groups, especially for the children, since even in the modern world white babies are adopted more often - and are more expensive - than black ones. I just meant to point out that they are not alone in this horror.

Way to US privilege. This was IN IRELAND, not in the USA with irish people. It was particularly bad IN THE COUNTRY OF IRELAND. What the US thought of irish people is pretty much irrelevant. The Irish consider themselves white, what more do you want, really? This isn’t about the USA.
Oh and whatever you read, the irish

I actually know one of these “kids”. Obdviously, not a kid anymore. He’s still loking for his mother, not much luck.

I will be. fingers crossed, I can’t handle the hormonal contraceptives so my options are incredibly limited.

I find it ironic you are attempting to prove adults have more emotional maturity than teens with this statement. It’s freaking unintentionally hilarious.

Having a sheltered childhood is by no means an indicator of a teenager’s more elastic brain being ineffective. It means you had a sheltered childhood.

It didn’t stay inserted more than a few hours, I wa sin the ER within the week to have it removed. It was half way out all on it’s own.

I got it from pp... which is why it wasn’t $700...

The feature is absent and essential for many people’s play. Mods can be fixed and careers are workable - family play is however severely gimped. So while it doesn't help you at all, it’s extremely important for a lot of other people.

I was denied the IUD last year and had to pay out of pocket. It failed, and there went $300. I would be very interested to find out if I can try again.

You can not wish it and still not be sorry if it happens ;)

Because your brian’s finish developing about 25 we become less receptive to change and new ideas at this time. That means teenagers can be much easier tog st along with and often much more creative than adult peers.