
What about that creepy Japanese girl that stares for a minute? There's gotta be a film there, right?

The ads for the MTV Movie awards with Michael Cera make him look like someone who needs to eat more. He looks kind of like a seagull. In other words, NOT dreamy.

I don't even eat Skittles in a bunch. Jelly Beans, Skittles, M&Ms are all eaten one at a time.

It doesn't hurt, and you can comment with your user name. Grow a pair and get over there! :)

I would see a group called the Dear Abbys.

Does Robbie yell that line at his lover? Because that would be kind of cool.

Sorry, but Watermelon Jolly Ranchers are the only ones you should eat. All others are fake-tasting. But I do like the watermelon Jelly Bellys because they're green on the outside and red on the inside. I appreciate the attention to detail.

Toasted Marshmallow FTW. Plus it's got cute litte brown "toasty" marks on it.

I saw a 5-minute preview of the stage version of Wit and couldn't make it through. I did not go to the production, and wasn't even aware there is a movie. I will not watch it. I could barely watch One True Thing, and that had Renee Zellweger in it!

Amen. I never even saw the show before, and the episode or two directly afterward, which you know were somewhat thrown together, were just heartbreaking.

oh man. I just watched a POV episode about the daughter of Amon Goethe. He was the Commandant of Plasow Concentration camp in Poland, and was portrayed by Ralph Feinnes in Schindler's List. This woman never met her father, as he was arrested before she was born and died soon after, She grew up thinking he died in the

Yes for The Terminal. When he sees the TV coverage of the war going on in his country and cannot understand what he's seeing, I just lose it. His look of desperation is so sincere.

The priest really clinches the emotion of that scene.

No one cries at the story of how Marge and Homer meet? I guess it's not the whole episode, but when Marge picks up Homer off the road and he says "I'm worried because I am going to want to kiss you. And then I won't be able to let you go." (or something. you know what I mean.) I just love how true and heartfelt Homer

I too am someone who will weep at anything related to 9/11; every anniversary I watch those A&E specials about the towers and the letters, etc. and just bawl. I think I am actually mourning the buildings in a way. I have never even been to NY.

Thankfully someone else said The Notebook so I wouldn't be the first to admit. Also many of the others that were listed, but I tend to cry at different parts. Like in Philidelphia, I cry the most when Miguel's mother walks into the funeral and sees her son, and mostly during the video of home movies that is playeing

The crocodile ate the baby AND your son?

Patrick Stewart is narrating on the commericials, so why is James Earl Jones narrating in the film? Seems like one of those could have been sent home.

@ wammer, I back you up. movies are movies, but there are some things that movies should try to portray accurately and don't, and that is annoying. even people without history degrees (me) can get annoyed if a movie is showing an historic event unaccurately. No worries.

Oh, no doubt. Grodin was great in it too. It is really the only movie that doesn't make me want to punch Mike Myers repeatedly. In the crotch. And the face.