
ET, we are both forgetting the venerable actor/director/genius Orson Welles, who was from Waukesha. That one always surprised me.

So, because I am in Milwaukee-AKA Gokey-land, there is always a news story following Idol with some encouraging message to the Gokey. Tonight it was the Green Bay Packers. The point: they were hanging out with Gokey's friend who didn't make the finals, Jamar Rogers. He is singing the anthem at Bucks games, etc. and

Thank you santos! I could not decide why I didn't like that song; it just didn't seem right for some reason. You nailed it-no catchy hook. It was like he skipped a section to get to the end. Plus he creeped me out with his all-too-eager smile. I didn't watch last season. Is that supposed to make him cute?

Geddy: Isn't that Days of Thunder? Pretty much?

Somehow that makes it exceedingly awesome.

OK, I posted here earlier, and then it disappeared. PW, do you have a copy of Hot to Trot? I'll bet you do.

or if he liked working with Mike Myers at all. Well, technically, Anthony LaPaglia.

Gene Wilder is sincere because he is from Wisconsin, and we grow 'em nice here. He went to my mother's high school. Many years before she, but there it is.

I think he works in Boogie Nights because he plays a guy who doesn't have to be a good actor, and so he succeeds. But all of the above clips show why he really isn't very good: every single expression on his face is "DUHHHH" It is not considered good acting if the audience can see the actor trying to figure out which


Was it just my screen, or did Chris look super fat in that clip? To the point that it didn't look like him at all?

Billy Zane was also thinly-mustachioed in Memphis Belle, which was before The Phantom I'm pretty sure. It is hard to remember him because he is overshadowed by the awesomeness of Matthew Modine and Eric Stoltz. (what? he's hot.)

To be fair, I only saw Double Jeopardy and Final, so I didn't really see the champ the day before, but after the poor woman miscalculated and the dude wrote crazy random answers, I was glad the champ won. We'll see today. Though most of you probably have already seen it.

I guess I shouldn't be all pissed off. I mean, they will go away soon. Look at the Ugg boot and high-waisted jeans. Wait…nope, still pissed off. These stupid pants are only weeks away from being worn by overweight midwestern women. And since I live in the midwest, I will have to see it. AAARRRGGGHHH!

Hey you leave Flo out of this!

Plus she laughed every time she got an answer right. It was weird. Actually, the guy in the middle was weird too. It was a whole panel of weirdos yesterday.

Ha! saw funny Final Jeopardy yesterday-champ was getting stomped by the last contestant, but that woman didn't bet enough on Final Jeopardy and lost. This is what would happen to me. Math would be my demise every time.

Seriously, I just looked up these pants, and my blood is really boiling. People spend millions of dollars every year on fad diets and gym memberships to look as thin as models and celebrities, and now we are expected to PAY to have saddlebags? My God I am angry about this now!

Those pants are a joke, right? Why on Earth would anyone want to pay money to achieve a saggy ass? I cannot wait for all of the anorexic bobble-head celebs to wear these with tiny shirts and proclaim themselves fashion forward.

Scott, the Rockwell song is the only good thing about those horrible ads, and that's not saying much.