
Has someone prodded Prison WIne to see if he's still breathing?

Was Fattita's comment some sort of post-modern take on the whole "cancerAIDS" thing? If so, I can't say I approve. Too much to read and way too subtle.

The epic King of Kings was on last night on TCM, featuring one Rip Torn as everyone's favorite betrayer, Judas. I had no idea he was in the film, and didn't look like himself at all.

This is off topic, but mbs, buddy-you are thinking of Franklin Roosevelt. Teddy rode a horse, had enormous teeth, and carried a big stick. SO while your menatal image is a bit funnier, the two Teddys facing off with pistols is more plausible…

Thank you GH, for reminding me of the name of that instrument. Being the raging band geek I am, I actually have conversations about things like sackbuts. I just couldn't recall the name.

David Soul! David Soul!

I think in that case, AJR, I would be afraid of the plane falling apart half way through. I kid.


How appropriate that you, Jim Rockford, would think so. He did steal your bodyguard in that movie you know.

I regret reading this now. Stupid Master Plaster Bastard!


But…you say that like it's a bad thing. Come on! He wears a flippin PERSIAN RUG in the movie! How awesome is that?

I used to really like Dances With Wolves. In fact, most of it is pretty good. It is only when I got older I realized that it is just as bad as the old cowboy-and-indian movies. Only this time it's the Indians that are the heroes and the white man that's the ultimate bad guy. It may be more accurate, but it isn't any

I will stand by my love for Prince of Thieves. It was the first movie where I heard the F-word in a non-angry manner, and I was so in love with Christian Slater I didn't care that he couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. Plus, it introduced me to the unadulterated sexiness that is Alan Rickman.

ZMF, I like your new avatar, and you should produce and sell stickers that look like that. I would sure buy one.

God totally forgot! Lou Ferrigno is on King of Queens (apparently) and I can't watch him! Lots of nightmares of Incredible Hulk…

Hell, I have nightmares constantly about Grizzlies as a result of watching The Edge, with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin. I just saw that for the first time last year. I will probably have another one tonight because I was thinking about it.

It's a bit cliche, but I was pretty terrified of the "Terror at 30,000 feet" episode, both the original with Shatner and the remake with John Lithgow. I prefer to sit before the wing on airplanes to this day.

Yes Yes Yes! The indian, the giant spider, Vincent Schiavelli as Mr Pieces, and that horrible, glittery thing that has the terrible voice. Man, that episode is still scary, and it is so obviously cheesy!

I tend to avoid any puppet-person-the characters at theme parks, Disney World, etc. I will not get near anyone when I don't know who's in there or where they're looking. If I wasn't afraid of looking like a complete fool, I would probably cry and burrow my face into mommy's chest if I was one, like all the toddlers do.