
Oh man Fritzy I had blocked that movie from my memory! I was totally freaked by that version, and now that I know about the animated one (thanks AV Club) I can say for sure that Alice in Wonderland is the creepiest children's story ever.

Dahl's book "Boy" is awesome and gruesome. All the way until he joins the RAF and almost loses his nose. For me, the adenoid operation is what scared me the most about that book.

I have a serious phobia of centipedes. I was living in my little apt when I was around 23, and a centipede had crawled behind the window blinds next to my bed. I couldn't go to sleep until I had killed it, because I didn't want it crawling out and onto my face. I spent literally 25 minutes bucking up the courage to

Sorry to jack the Salem's Lot thread, but someone mentioned Jurassic Park. My heart still pounds like crazy when the T-Rex shows up, and I'm 31. So scary!

I saw Arachnaphobia one time. ONCE. And I still have problems putting on shoes, hats, or getting into a sleeping bag for fear that there will be spiders lurking. Oh god. I'm getting the crawlies right now…

@AJR: the reason I don't have a King Charles yet is because my husband wants a beagle. I like those too, but I love the spaniels.

Ludiqueer is perfect!

@scotteb, no. Although I am thinking that I should change it to that now. I had a random Cocker picture I found that looked like my puppy. I changed it so that people would see how awesome I am. Not really.

e2p, I like how you kind of talked yourself out of the entire comment you made.

Oh god-his face is hilarous!

I don't really mean that everyone here is cynical; I was covering my "AWWW" with some cynicism of my own. It didn't work. Didn't mean to offend.

I just feel I should comment due to my user name
I want the puppy in the Flying Puppy picture. King Charles Spaniel. I know everyone here is cynical, hates life, blah blah blah, but that dog is the cutest thing in the world!

Hey, even Parts: The Clonus Horror was sponsored by Adidas. They gave them credit at the end; all the clones wore Adidas exclusively.

Are you mad at me, clone daddy?

A tiny bit of Awesome
As I'm reading the comments, I notice that one of the recycled articles is the Inventory on Classic Tom Petty Opening Lines. It's like the world has come together to piss off Billy Bob, and for that, I am grateful.

You could argue that WWI was the making of a young Adolf Hitler. i'm not saying I'm going to, but you could argue that. I don't know what that has to do with anything.

The esurance one where the guy is playing his guitar really pisses me off. He sings an-o-mated. Listen to it again. It's really irritating to me for some reason. Plus for one second I thought he was Kris from American Idol.

This thread reminds me of a commercial I saw the other day for the Spike show 1000 Ways to Die. Apparently, one way is to electrify a cow's heart and then have sex with it. In what universe is this a fetish?

Anyone living in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, can you verify if they still show the National American University commercials? I think deep inside my brain the entire song is still buried, and with enought Schnapp's it could be released…

Chubby, I like that commercial, especially when they say "CHILLY!"