
Yes! I loved the tie-skirt!

The name mcname thing should have gone out as soon as Ross used it on Friends. You all who use it are as original as the writers of Friends. I hope you feel good about that.

I wasn't too aware of Neko Case until hanging out here every day. The coffeehouse people I used to work with were all in love with her; I just figured she was too cool for me. Now I have heard I think 3 or 4 songs off Middle Cyclone, and damn it, I like her voice a lot. I may just go out and jump on the bandwagon.

It's good to see some other "oldies" with young kids. My husband just turned 50, and we don't have kids yet. His fear is that our kids will think he's too old to have fun with them. I try to assure hem that all kids think their parents are old, no matter how old they are. I'm 30 by the way-plenty of time to have kids.

See also: Mark Hamill. Cute, tow-headed hero in first (fourth?) Star Wars. Horrific accident. Multiple surgeries. Cut to scarred mug that has wrinkled to the point of hideous as he aged. Sad.

What's creepier about those Mannequins is that celebrities now go out and attend events that are sponsored by these wooden models. There are photos with stars and the mannequins hanging in night clubs. WTF?

See, that's why I am surprised at all the love Adam is getting for his interpretation. It was almost exactly the same as Gary Jules', which to me is not great. He didn't do much different than sing the last notes even higher, and he was praised for his originality. I like Adam as much as the next girl, but I was bored

e2p, have you seen the awesomeness that is From Justin to Kelly? It is simultaneously the best and worst movie I have ever seen. The best way to watch it I think is to watch 2Fast 2 Furious (really) and the From Justin to Kelly. They both take place in Miami and feature some of the same locations. It's bizaare and

9-The boat sinks
10-he takes poison, she wakes up and stabs herself.

The more I looked at his photo up there, the more I saw House for some reason.

I just played the demo of this game.

I like the Cheetos Puffs, but for some reason they have to be a bit stale. This makes them sort of chewy. MMMM….

Careful Elrond, folks here don't take to kindly to the Blue Collar Team. I on the other hand love Ron White and can now hear him say that in my head.

damn you mbs for putting that godawful song in my head!


I think I read that she broke her hip and had to have it replaced, curing her need for a crutch. I caught part of an episode where she is having an identity crisis before the surgery, because she defined herself by her disability before.

The Bends is on the top of every list for me-Desert Island Discs, Best Radiohead Albums, whatever. However, now that I am not a grungy teen anymore, I appreciate the beauty and variety that is OK Computer. I never got into Pablo Honey (save for "Creep") but I don't feel I missed too much. I personally think

As someone who lives in Milwaukee, let me say that I am saddened by the loss of Sabathia, and the very fact the Turkey-Neck Selig lives here too.

I imagine the Tv edit of Salo is the opening credits followed immediately by the closing credits.

I just saw that, and I gotta say, I wish I had seeing it without knowing what a total ass Dustin Hoffman was going to turn out to be.