
I'm Ron Burgundy?

The more I read this, the more I hear the voices of the MST3k robots.

Yeah, I have never been able to come to terms with flan. Why would people eat it? Now I will never even be able to look at it.

Ha Ha! TomWaits admitted that he likes Rachel Ray! Mock him everyone!

This brings up a rather frightening thought: what if the uber-trendy bakery that you know you just went to, because they use all organic ingredients, has this book in their library? I think I will never order another eclair.

Ham juice FTW.

Ugh. wouldn't it be more like pudding? I would think Crisco-like consistency would mean you need to see a doctor.

Megan looks like a blow-up doll in the photo above. She looks like she has the brains of one too.

Sure he cooks with them, but purely to feed the other inmates. Never would he subject himself to this.

I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of eye-contact avoidance in the AV office this week.

I made a comment on the AI boards about the eclairs featured in Van Wilder that I now see would have been much more appropriate here.

Further research has led me to the fact that the original post was fake. Damn you Kartioz!

Then shouldn't that say "contry"?

Ellie, Dita probably is some kind of munchkin. Isn't she incredibly small?

phel, on the Anniversary version of the DVD, there is a great featurette that has Robin talking about her and Andre working together. It mentions that, and it just makes me sad that this great, huge man couldn't even support tiny Robin Wright.

What did Elmo do to your shoe?

Really, the only winner's song that I ever thought was any good was Kelly Clarkson's. All the rest are poor copies.

The dead Mexican Hamsters are what made me interested in Quizno's. Who wouldn't want a sandwich that is created by a company that embraces the surreal? I think Dali would have eaten at Quizno's.

However, if any of the contetants were to actually imitate per the judges suggestions, they would probably be called out for not making the song thier own. So irritating!

I'm with e2p. If the judges are so disappointed every week with the song choices, why don't they pick the songs for everyone? Whoever wins has to be under the thumb of the Idol producers and sing whatever they tell him/her anyway, so why not just start that from the beginning? This show, along with ANTM, and probably