Ricky Sunnyvale

This is what’s known as stagflation - all that newly printed money going out as ‘stimulus’ causes inflation of price of goods, and the stagnation of GDP (various causes historically, and different causes currently) drives down supply of goods (which raises prices). Stagflation is also characterized by high

slideshow = no-go

this is the correct take

this is an inexperienced flipper - they’re DEEP in the cash, learning an expensive lesson.   That trans broke them and turned this one to a loss - you only do that on a keeper, not a flipper.

that’s the right price for this - if a guy wanted this.

hours of fun to watch!!! 

there’s no way this is worth that kind of coin - lop off a zero, and maybe it’s a tailgate football season unit at best.

I’ve had/used one of those with my first popup - lasted 1 camp and I bought a proper hardside Travel Trailer unit - W.A.F =0

Y’all are nuts, or just young and naiive, or just don’t understand the point of a pickup truck (an actual truck, not a luxobarge with a shortbed and seating for 5 in high zoot for more than the cost of a decent house) . This should have pulled a near 100% NP. This unit here will pay for itself in 3 months or less for

probably the only good idea - the motor and trans are crap. still, the suspension bits that shit the bed are going to be a challenge and the electrical gremlins, well, you’re on your own if you’re doing an EV conversion, you can probably figure out a way.

nope - it would still be a constant aggravation and disappointment. If I need more of that, I’ll dump money on strippers and drugs

that’s what we call yard-art - sorry to fart in your fan, man.

a beautiful, comfortable, well performing car that was fun to drive - for the 36.257% of the time it actually works and the trans doesn’t go all wi-fi and IF AND ONLY IF the electrodigicals and sparkolators decide to show up to play nice.

You couldn’t pay ME to own this - *source* owned a Lincoln LS (same car).  No parts available, crap ECM, crap VVT, crap Trans, crap BCM.  Nice chassis and suspension, but THERE’S NO PARTS for what breaks or wears out.  Kill this soul sucking money dumpster with fire.

nah - too many miles and I don’t want to work that hard to end up with what this is.  Far better toys for similar or less dough, so CP.

that’s exactly the point - this is no dice because there’s better units out there for this price bracket kind of toy - a LOT of better ways to spend 4 grand than this one.

we jumped that shark years ago, man

nothing more expensive than a cheap BMW.  No freaking way.

that’s the way to know to walk away - 

LOL -  nOPPe