Ricky Sunnyvale

there’s a sucker born every minute, Irish...things are ‘worth’ exactly what someone will pay - that’s a 4 grand car in my eyes.  

this is laughably a nope....17 years old? Nope. 150K miles? Nope.  BMW? Nope. Blue? Nope.  $4 grand and I’m being generous here..

this is absolutely ‘sure, why not’ territory.  nearly impossible to go wrong here for almost anyone for any purpose.

should try this test using a Covid will improve safety too.

I think we are seeing exactly this play out right now.

too much back seat for shenanigans - this is not a car for a high school kid.

I’d daily this one daily and never look back.  possibly the best value proposition on any Craigslist ever.

since when is things being illegal by local ordinance stopped anyone in America from doing what they want these days? I really don’t give a rip about bullshit petty ordinances, and neither do most real folks.  

I work in a -10f blast freezer.  don’t tell me about soft, Private.  Think before you speak.

yeah, that’s window breakin’ time.

ya, but ya know - they’re less troublesome than my Jeeps. Subaru is the only one that’s really zero hassles, but it’s still young and fresh. The only one that was a real pain in the ass that got traded for being a fickle bitch was the MKS and it’s bullshit capacitance touch center stack that never worked, and the LS

or lock your running car when you run into the gas station for smokes in the dead of winter....there are so many situations that make this feature indispensable.

The rise of the smartphone makes this a relic of a solution.

I have 3 Fords and a Lincoln, and have owned several more previously - probably just because of this feature. Absolutely the best feature, and most used feature, ever in the history of my car ownership. Can’t live without it once you have it.  *pro tip* can’t get locked out of your house if you have this and your

This is a pile of hot garbage. Even if it’s fixed, it’s still a crappy XJ, and still not worth $2500. Been there done that, never again. Too much work for something that is so completely disappointing in the end.

NP at ‘trade value’. If I were the guy with yesterday’s Mustang Fauxbra, that would be a fair title for title swap.  Cash money, this is $6500 and a quarter of weed in the glovebox as a tip.

this car is NOT what it is presented to be....that’s (headlights) just one of the most obvious clues, that so many keyboard mechanics are missing.

there is no reason to conceal the vin - it can be seen from the street by any passerby, and of no value whatsoever to a bad actor. Craigslist ads have the vin as one of the first fields to populate when you list a car. The mere fact that there’s no vin on this ‘cobra’ ad, IS the red’s the vin you’re paying

I can swap an IRS from a wrecked Cobra into a New Edge in a weekend - not that hard or uncommon.

easy - there’s no vin in the ad.    don’t even need the whole vin to prove it’s a cobra or a clone. a simple photograph of the vin plate would clear it up.