Eric Henwood-Greer

Fair point.—I admit due to a paper I wrote ages back I'm more familiar with the original version (republished a while back, kinda misnamed as The Uncensored Dorian Grey) and has been since Jr High that I've read the actual published version.

Right. I am pretty sure we never saw Jobathan but I assumed at some point while trying for a reconciliation, Vanessa would have seen him. But I guess not necessarily. Actually my memory of those details are fuzzy, I prob should rewatch the season one flashback episode

Well any interpretation other than the original novel I guess…

I've had others also call it boring which is why I am not sure about the above comment of it being built on sensationalism. This isn't American Horror Stort

I still say in the novel if he was in love with any of the people he tormented it was Harker. I mean even one time when he attacks Mins it seems more about making sure Harker witnesses it. -flashes back to some awful first year lit essay I wrote eons back about homoeroticism in Dracula- the whole Mina resembling a

I think the actor is fine—I mean I liked him in Spider-Man and that was a mess of a musical. But his is the one character that has never really paid off-I think they should have found some way to keep him more in orbit with the others. I mean both Vanessa and Ethan had weird sexual encounters with him, don't they ever

Did Vanessa never meet Harker? I assumed she had but now can't remember

Ha! Spring Awakening-perfect

Does one woman a trail make? 😉

I have been disappointed by comic book tie ins before but this could be worth checking out. I am confused-the promo material says it's written by Written by Penny Dreadful scribes Krysty Wilson-Cairns and Andrew Hindraker when isn't a big deal made about Pogan writing every episode?

It's also pretty I heard of for one writer to do all the scripting on an American show.

Well I was already excited for this, but hadn't seen the trailer—bonus points for using a Dragonette song in it.

RIght—I may be reading too much into it, but now that she's sorta made a plan and seems, umm, composed (if that's the right word) to what she must do, I think her previous feelings of hatred towards him have changed—at least enough to show some pity and warn him not to come back.

Actually I agree with you I almost am embarrassed to admit ;) (almost) There's also the first TV sequel, Revenge of the Stepford Wives which has a pretty amazing finale ;)

Your post actually made me realize I picked up some time back a book of Beagle's short fictions—and yes, it's in it. So I read it last night—great little coda to the novel. I don't think I'd like a full sequel (I can't imagine it working) but this was just right—it actually made me tear up a bit at the end (I have a

I went through a big Dennis Cooper period as a teen—Frisk, etc—I think because I found it terribly transgressive to read "gay" fiction that was also so over the top graphic/disturbing. But I'm not sure I could get into his stuff anymore.

There actually are a number of decent gay Canuck films (especially Quebecois) that were hits (relatively speaking since for a Canadian film to be a hit it means more than 100 people have to see it).

Well, after saying that, of course I have to forgive you ;)

There's also the unfinished (I think)?) Schoolhouse Hill where they meet Young Satan (the nephew of Satan, of course) which was one attempt at a final piece he was writing, The Mysterious Stranger/The Chronicle of Young Satan.

I actually got into Barker due to Sacrament and Galilee as a young teen. Of course now I can see why fans from prefer would find them disappointing… (A big part of Sacrament's appeal to me at that age, actually, was due to reading a gay sexually graphic book).