Eric Henwood-Greer

Logan in his interview said that Clare and Ives are his fave characters to write for, so I'm pretty sure he'll get significant screentime (although it sounded like his story is the most isolated).

Since this is John Logan's show, I'm pretty sure at least the idea of homoerotic tension was on purpose.

Was Beale's credit cut back again this year because of the actor's other commitments? it seems weird that he would go back to recurring status (as they call it in the soap world) when Carney/Dorian wasn't even in the premier.

It's been ten years or so but yeah, the original novel (novella really) is virtually devoid of female characters—except for, I think, one woman who Hyde attacks. I studied it for a first year Victorian Lit and Sexuality course where our prof laid on the homoerotic elements pretty extremely but of course she had a

And of course Frank Wildhorn (who makes Lloyd Webber look like Sondheim) and Leslie Bricusse later wrote a wonderful/TERRIBLE Dracula musical as a follow up to there Jeckyll and Hyde…—which had some success in Europe but flopped on Broadway and is most famous for having a rare example of female nudity in a Broadway

For creator Logan gave an interview where he said the plan was to bring Dr Moreau on this year (something Logan expressed interest in doing back when the show premiered) but Wells' is not in the public domain (surprisingly to me) and they couldn't get the rights so Jeckyll was Plan B.

On Logan mentioned that they couldn't get the rights to Moreau—which was the plan (as I said above I had no idea Wells was still under copyright)—Jeckyll was plan B.

According to an interview with Logan, the plan was actually to get Dr Moreau—something Logan mentioned wanting to touch on back when the show premiered as well, but there was a rights issue (is HG Wells' not in the public domain?) so they went with Dr Jeckyll.

I am a little worried that, while he was bumped to a series regular last year, it looks like he's now back to recurring (guest star?) status.

They've always played up—to my eye—some sort of homoeroticism with Victor's male relationships, but, especially since this is Logan's show, I'm certain in this case anyway it was intentional. Which doesn't mean they actually did have a relationship of the sort, but…

Well I admit that I would probably be called a rabid fan of a number of things… Anyway, I appreciate that.

Thanks for the link!

Apologies—I've been reading through these posts so quickly that I think I thought you wrote some things that other posters did.

I don't think it was remotely misogynistic—I feel dumb, but it did take me a second to realize what you meant (I assume because Outlander has a larger female fanbase?) But I suppose I shouldn't throw out terms like that. I was speaking in general, for any show—if, for some reason, I was ever in charge of a writer's

LOL then I have no argument (aside from the fact that I do enjoy the adaptation more than you). I admit I missed her jumping the shark comment so will have to look that up.

I admit the term adaptation is a nebulous one. I just know that a number of playwrights don't consider their text on the page as the play—it represents it and gives a guide but… (Then again, some playwrights do consider the published version as their definitive work). A production is an interpretation of that text,

I am a big fan of Duras and actually wrote on her for a class years back.

Absolutely. (I'm on her FB) I think though that her comments on the tv series and her association with it means to say that the showrunners "stole" her material, etc, is nonsense. She obviously doesn't think that.

I have the two disc 2004 release (is that what you mean?) They did do a full restoration for it, but it definitely could look better. (I know the release has been out of print and in demand for a while—it goes for quite a bit new on Amazon). I thought Criterion might get to it when they did Room with a View—I guess

"And they could have taken so MANY cheap shots (for example, Tad and
Elijah seemed like it was going to end in the two fucking, but thank
you, Dunham and company for avoiding that)."