
This is a terrific article Tina. I feel like in the last ten years of watching video game culture evolve the voices covering it have finally achieved the diversity and strength of platform to start calling out this sort of thing and being truly heard. That's what you're doing here, and that's noble.

Not to be too master-racey... but both Witcher and the Respawn game will also be on the PC. I mean, are we really considering games that are on PC as well to be actual exclusives? I believe Witcher is on PS4 as well.

And a million fanboys cried out in ecstasy... and were suddenly silenced by technical difficulties.

Connnect headphones to Smart Glass for exciting sound support!

I'm watching all the extended editions. In the theater. In one day. On December 8th.

Uncle Owen, this L4 unit has a bad motivator!

So here's a worthy question, I own the PS3 versions of Mass Effect 2 and 3. If I download ME1 standalone from PSN, will I be able to import my decisions from ME1 into ME2 and 3? I imagine they would have to release a patch for 2 and 3 to allow that. Will they do that?

This is all good discussion, but I think hbkotaku makes a point I agree with, for me the hack and slash Onimusha style gameplay of games past has started to feel difficult for me (part of why Metal Gear: Revengence triggers such a gag reflex), because even an action movie (John Woo being the exception perhaps) you

What Quantic Dream is doing is a step in the right direction I think. If there are guns in their games, they're only used as they'd be used in a dramatic film, not as a gameplay mechanic. Even Last of Us, the way its grounding it's violence in realism and discomfort and nastiness, this feels like an interesting step

What Quantic Dream is doing is a step in the right direction I think. If there are guns in their games, they're only used as they'd be used in a dramatic film, not as a gameplay mechanic. Even Last of Us, the way its grounding it's violence in realism and discomfort and nastiness, this feels like an interesting step

I miss World War 2.