
yackety bzacks.

agree 100%. if i were looking for a used G i’d want it to be stock. i mean that’s true for any used car i’d buy but there are few things worse than custom luxury.

served up that dish very cold.

i looked at convertible saabs a while back and one thing people should know is that replacement keys are kind of a pain in the ass and cost about twice as much as chipped keys for brands that are still around.

that makes sense considering most of the homes in that price range in the L.A./Orange area weren’t built as $2M homes. they were built for working class families headed by someone working in a factory. a lot of those factories were pretty high-end like aerospace but still. a lot of them are owned by the original

yah it looks a lot better than i expect when i read something like “redesigned chevy truck”

i remember seeing a lot of these storm trooper helmet looking jeeps in the late 80s and early 90s and wondered what happened to them. i hate the look but it seems to be in pretty good shape for a sub-$7k wrangler?

it’s not hijacking if she’s taking me somewhere i was already going.

i don’t think anyone’s going to do anything about the house buyer calls. public sympathy for home owners is ahhhh low. i get calls on my work phone every day asking if i want an offer on the house i lost in my divorce. i’m pretty rude to them.

i was going to say that this would just result in more ads on everything. but then i remembered that there will be more ads on everything anyway.

seems like maybe Rivian wants to be an American electric MB? high end personal vehicles that are trucks and SUVs because that’s what we like here. but also selling commercial vans?

are you sure you know what it means?

nice strawman you built there.

you know i was thinking. a few years ago i had an 80's vehicle and i tried to refurb the interior, buying parts online. i found out when the crap was delivered that my color descriptions just weren’t specific enough and i ended up with a bunch of pads and seatback chunks and door pulls in slightly different colors. i

it’s strange to me that so many commenters on an enthusiast’s site talk about need, as though want doesn’t come into it.

i think it’s crass and tasteless, and and i hope that Rob eventually grows up enough to regret typing that. but anyway, NP.

I really hope that Honda didn’t make these exterior changes to pander to people in their 40's, because I can’t deal with the garish red seats and carpet.

yah that wing does look like it could have been added on by the owner later. seems like it could have been more integrated or at least made to look more integrated while still being basically a bolt-on. maybe it will be dealer installed with a delete option?

yah but if you take the discount and the Lyriq gives you herpes you can’t tell anyone.

seller is a liar with poor taste. i wouldn’t buy a snickers bar from them.