
i’ll be co-captain of Team Pulp.

380hp out of a 2 liter engine. moly.

i’m in. how many of these cars can i get for $30k?

what would calling themselves a premium brand rather than a luxury brand do for them? what would it change? maybe it’s nostalgia or dementia, but when I was a kid, Mercs were nicer than Fords, and Lincolns were nicer than Mercs. with Mercury dead, the difference between Fords and Lincolns should be more obvious. But

why? the only Maverick available within 150 miles of me is priced at $43,250. it has the cheaper engine and it’s not even AWD.

so...the Trumpists were right in the long-term? 

what’s weird to me is it seems like manufacturers will have to focus on driving dynamics to pull market share at a time when the long-range goal is eliminating the driver altogether. 

i don’t even hate yokes, but i hate this one.

the mazda 3 turbo only has 227hp but i wouldn’t call that one yawn-inducing. it’s kind of stupid when you wring it out. i’m not sure i mean that as a compliment. it is almost like something you’d sign a waiver for and rent for an hour at a resort some where. i test drove one with my brother and that’s what i had to

i too am shocked that people still like luxury and excess. shocked, i tell you.

i doubt there were lenders. the cars were found at a grow house. the most likely scenario is that the growers had cash they couldn’t account for and couldn’t think of anything better to do with so they bought cars. probably using fake identities because cash purchases are reportable.

Or set on fire

it’s 80.2 inches wide according to the google. i think it just looks wide because it’s only 47.7 inches tall.

people usually buy new vehicles because they are improvements over their old vehicles, using metrics they decide for themselves. it’s not a crazy thing to do if you think about it for even a moment.

you know what fuck it NP then. i’ll drive it for a year or two.

i’m not sure where i got this expectation, and maybe i’m unreasonable, but i feel like adaptive cruise should be stock on an EV. when it’s not, and i’m expected to pay thousands more above the basic trim level to get it, i’m like what are you doing go fuck yourself.

no dice, for two reasons.

that wasn’t my question. but i can see from your histrionics and buffoonery that you’ve got nothing so i’ll show more personal grace than you’ve been able to muster. have a good day.

ah, yes. the ol’ “build a strawman instead of answering the question” comment. 

government-approved trust. anti-trust is a monopoly-breaking stance.

the costco visa has cashback too.