
did reserving online protect a buyer from a dealer markup?

i don’t think he gave a shit whether the teslas could be found. i think his plan was to make it so that he could not be found.

i say no man can live on 50 eggs.

people that list their cars for $1 should have their kneecaps broken.

that’s true but it sucks that the only part of this project that’s been completed would have to be undone to build up the motor.

yeah but the engine is already in the car. seems like it should have been built before it was bolted in.

i agree with what you said, but it seems like the original comment was about how a lot of old dudes today claim those older cars are better than new ones. it’s like they are projecting and don’t want to admit that they are past their prime and think they can still hang with young guys. i dunno, i think it’s

neither of those claims, strawman builder. i got the definition of L2 from the SAE graphic above. what else do you claim there is to the definition, and what is the source

thanks Fred Flintstone

no, i’m just one of those that googled the difference between a moped and a scooter and found that mopeds are limited to 50cc and scooters can be up to 250cc.

well when you put it that way.

what this article has taught me is that i want an EV with a big fucking dial on the dashboard that i can turn counterclockwise to increase the range and clockwise to increase the “performance”. that way everyone, but especially me, can find a spot that’s like, fast enough, but maximizes range.

incorrect. the Elite 50 was called that because it had a 50cc motor. which makes it a moped. or i guess technically, both.

incorrect. i don’t think you understand how automated anesthesia already is.

it looks cool, but outside of a school zone i would be frustrated with it whether i was riding in it or behind it.

and mopeds are faster. 1986 Honda Elite 50 went about 50% faster than this thing.

Waymo lawsuits.

the only person i’ve ever known to own a buick encore is my racist old ex mother in law. she is the type of person that rather own a buick made in china than a honda made in indiana.

the only person i’ve ever known to own a buick encore is my racist old ex mother in law. she is the type of person that would rather own a buick made in china than a honda made in indiana.