
Some of us delay upgrades because of all the courage apple pours into their new OSes that break functionality with software before said companies are able to implement compatibility.  Their last few releases have been very heavy handed on this approach.  Granted some of these companies have been promising

Y`all ever just want to shut down the internet for a few years to slow things like this down? Go back to the time when your batshit crazy aunt/uncle ran off to the woods because no one believes the crazy nonsense they spout off about?

I agree.  At this point it is easy to identify the idiots who have absolutely zero empathy for other human beings.  I don’t need to be mixed up with them.  Plus even though I am 95% protected, I still can’t risk bringing it home to my two small children.  I am wearing a mask until we reach herd immunity or there is

Unless I start wearing a shirt that says I’m vaccinated I’m going to still wear a mask.  And I’m going to assume anyone not wearing a mask is a Trumper worried about their ‘freedumbs’ more than stopping a deadly pandemic.  Not that you really need the absence of a mask to easily point those idiots out anyway.

Speaking as someone who actually works for NASA* (and voted Democrat since 2004, if that matters), Bridenstine wasn’t bad. Exceptional? Nah, I don’t think he was that, either. But he certainly wasn’t a bogeyman like this site might make you think, nor was he ineffectual, and during our initial town halls with him he

Sweet 2020-2021 Babies: I am sorry about the state of the world you are being born into and I swear to you that to my dying day, I will do everything in my power to make it better, and I am not alone in that. You are our only hope.

Well an intelligent and compassionate government would put laws in place to make sure people are paid and business can stay closed long term until the virus is mitigated.

I’ve been going to the movies since the age of six and the theatrical experience has been one of the most basic, joyful things in my life. I had the great fortune of going to college during the height of the film guild era and, for years, went to the movies two to three, sometimes four, nights a week. I love the

I feel like "Winter Soldier" belongs on this list. IMO, it was the best of three stand alone Captain America movies.

She must not be a dog then. 

Anyone who regularly browses lifehacker/Gizmodo/etc needs the extra data for their godawful auto-play “related” videos that take up half the screen on their phone.