I believe the sound of the rug pull is “yoiks!”
I believe the sound of the rug pull is “yoiks!”
Pretty beta move wanting to get out of prison when you could just stay there kicking other inmates’ asses all day and get free workouts in, if you ask me.
Sounds like a weak case, and they’re hoping these wealthy celebrities will pay something to settle. This is like suing some celebrity for being in a commercial for a particular brand of coffee because they don’t actually drink coffee. I can’t wait to hear how he’s supposed to prove how, but for these particular celebri…
Ahh yes, get those internet points at the expense of the safety of your child....smh.
“I do not have cancer. My lungs contain precisely 0 smoking damage. In fact, I have an 8L lung capacity and the vital signs of an Olympic athlete”
Oh man...keep it coming, Romanian courts. Every month, just act like maaayyybee they’ll get out...and then yank the rug. We can’t get enough.
this is great!
This is a hard part of modern dating.... avoiding guys who follow Tate, Jordan Peterson and whatever next “thought leader” I don’t want to hear about. And my friends in relationships are with guys that do follow them and are ok with it?
He IS cancer.
A little more context on the Avril Lavigne thing from someone who was there. In my opinion, that woman was basically an attention-seeker dressed up (undressed up?) as a protestor. The tiny amount of effort she made referencing an Ontario provincial issue at an event in Edmonton, Alberta was a pretty odd choice.
Damn, Kyrsten Sinema is getting desperate for attention.
You may be missing the 3rd paragraph of the press release:
This post leaves the important bits out. From a Dodge press release:
There was a cop literally in the car holding him before they started yelling gun. They were hands on with the guy and then backed away yelling gun so every cop could rain bullets into the car. There was zero attempt to subdue without bullets, despite being in the car and hands on.
For the officers who have to live with taking a life
For fucks sakes. Are you going to swing by the guys grave and take a piss on his headstone.
2. becuz late to pickup kids
1. This is absurd this is possible. Tesla’s app coding must be absolute garbage.