It’s an article w/ gore & vehicles that Lawrence can knock out in under 5 minutes on his phone & get paid his word rate for the article.
It’s an article w/ gore & vehicles that Lawrence can knock out in under 5 minutes on his phone & get paid his word rate for the article.
If you hate Jalop you are more than welcome to leave. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass you’re talking out of as you exit.
*Heroically* run over a pedestrian or two.
Not sure how it’s relevant that they’re prepared to stand up for their rights, as though that’s a bad thing? The case either has merits or it doesn’t. People can be discriminated against more than once in their lifetime, as many women working in male-dominated fields will tell you.
Before you call your insurance company, have your insurance document in front of you & do not give them information they don’t already have unless that’s the reason for your call. Years ago I had State Farm & every other month they’d send me a ‘survey’ to fill out about my household so they could better serve my…
Ordinance, not ordnance.
The public input would have been monopolized by the type of people like those scout leaders who shoved over a hoo-doo to show off to a bunch of boy scouts.
It’s been incredibly out of balance for a long time so you’re just going to have to deal. Take heart that animals & the environment might thrive despite your whims.
It’s about time. Maybe the area can recover from the years of stupid, useless riders.
It was deciding...
If she were half as public about her personal life there’d be far fewer crickets.
Unsheltered people have a hard time finding a trustworthy person to leave their stuff w/; it might be half-junk, but it’s their half-junk & it’s what’s getting them through each day on their own. She may even have had a pet.
These folks don’t face many easy, uncomplicated decisions.
It turns out prison rape jokes don’t age well.
If he didn’t have a license, what probation officer would tell him to get a dashcam?
Was the procedure castration of some kind, one hopes?
No one who had the power to stop him cared to do so.
I sense a feeling of entitlement in this relatively human being. Seeps into everything he does, it seems.
Musk bought Twitter intending to do what he’s done - deface & ruin it b/c it made of him. Just like Mangolini did to the White House after Obama made fun of him. Some guy gets good burns in on you so you buy the project car he’s put years into & while he’s watching you ruin it. By your standards, you’ve now won.
Just got your username, well done.
Cops have it made more than we’ll ever know. They can straight up kill another cop & get away w/ it so long as someone else was committing a crime they were even attempting to respond to.