
So let’s have totally mixed prison populations should we? Because there are zero reasons to have them if it’s going to go on gender lines rather than sex.

Thank you - a lot of commenters are getting hung up on that I mentioned having a penis, but for me that’s where the issue lies. Otherwise why have prisons segregated by sex at all, given you can have 6' violent women and 5' slim men who would have physical advantages/disadvantages in a prison population?

So rape survivor are special snowflakes are we? The comments on this article are Peak Jezebel.

Actually I could have been more explicit but I was trying to avoid hurt feelings on this board given it’s a sensitive discussion. As a rape survivor, if I was locked in a cell with a person with a penis (however they choose to present) I would feel sickening fear over anything else. I chose the word discomfort as I

That makes literally zero sense given there are no hormonal or sex differences between ginger and other hair colours, but thanks for playing.

It’s easy to dismiss these women as ‘in a tizzy’ when we’re on the outside and are able to vote for the people making these ‘progressive’ decisions that we hope ultimately won’t affect us, if we’re unlikely to land in prison.

Nope; a specialist unit as I mentioned in my initial comment.

I understand that, but we’re not in prison with no control over our cellmates.

Not duh at all. My view is that trans prisoners should get their own units, where they can also access specialist support for when they leave prison. If they’re such a tiny minority it wouldn’t need much funding to set up - there never used to be mother and baby units either but we have those.

You should know given your comment history on jez

What a surprise, women having to move out of their own spaces that were granted FOR A REASON, because people with penises demand it is so. Of course that always works to everyone’s best interests!

How would those statistics be reflected, given it would be women raping women if there is no differentiation? You might be interested in the actual statistics for the UK which have been put together due to the debate on self-ID going on at the moment https://fairplayforwomen.com/transgender-prisoners/

Both sides arguments are a fundamental part of democracy and debate; each side needs to recognise each others’ concerns if they’re to reach a compromise. Can you not see how a transwoman’s fear of violent people with penises in a men’s prison essentially mirror these natal women’s fears of a potentially violent person

Frankly I don’t care about your beard and tattoo and new penis, as I’m not locked in a cell with you. However as a rape survivor I’m pretty sure I would be if I was locked in a cell with you for 23 hours a day. Sorry but that’s how it is.

I can see both sides here and while I sympathise for transwomen in this situation, it is being caused by the behaviour of natal men being violent and aggressive towards them, yet the solution is that vulnerable natal women are expected to shut up and move over despite feeling uncomfortable sharing facilities with

The North Remembers... It’s very Game of Thrones :-)

The best part is that this is the second design - it was changed slightly, after the planning committee thought it looked like she was hanging out laundry!

It’s very Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. The similarities just keep on coming.

If the child isn’t being neglected and is being supervised by another medical professional, I don’t see how Alder Hey have the right to stop them transferring health care providers, e.g. taking him to Italy. Maybe if they didn’t have a legacy in this country of stealing children’s live tissue and organs, more people