
It’s extremely weird to call women “females” fyi. 

Not a great design, but not bad either.

9119lbs? Holy what the fuck.

Yes you should be concerned about how a government run bridge is operated. Especially when it comes to banning a display of inclusion and the message of equality for all. When governement is allowed to ban certain things only for internal prejudices based on hate and sectarian religious beliefs then you should be

Nah, you’re just a bigot.

“People who do research on cars before they buy them are dumb” is quite the take dude.

It’s almost like actual life is filled with subtle contextual situations and large numbers of visual cues that all have to be processed near-instantaneously, and computers are not adept at this, and wont be....

There are plenty of regional or location-specific situations like this people run into all the time and easily adapt to in a way a car never can.”

It’s a Jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand. 

ah yes, those pesky cyclists and their cycle lanes. ruining the day for everyone...

That was 100% bluff. “I’m gonna call my attorney”. “Oh no, now what are we going to do? She’s calling her lawyer!”  

The crazy part is that considering all of the shit you have to pay for on Spirit (and Frontier, for that matter), if you’re doing anything more than a last minute flight somewhere with just the clothes on your back and shit in your pockets, the majority of Spirit destinations are served by Southwest, and you end up

[Cadillac HQ, interior. The Board is gathered around the big table in the good conference room up on Seven.”

It most certainly does when it comes to accelerating a bit. A good mild hybrid will use the E-motors to facilitate the speed change, keeping the RPMs of the engine the same during the speed change, source: a test driver that spends 8- 10 hours a day in these type vehicles. But you are correct for the most part, it

Way to spit in the face of prevailing trends GM. 

Notice the flight attendant was also black.

Some people are just dumb. Sure, I’m gonna leave you all to burn, but I’m not gonna admit that upfront. That’s called depraved indifference murder, I’m gonna agree then bail when the going gets tough so my lawyer can claim that panic overtook me and I should get no jail time for it.

This would be a good time to catch up to the rest of the world for regulations surrounding layoffs and severance payments.

My favorite Confederate flag trivia is that it was never even the flag of The Confederacy.

Just this one is fine. The rest are still gay, unfortunately.