
You create a new account just to ask me that?

Yeah. This isn’t all that different from every other preorder bonus in the series. There might be the occasional bonus that’s exclusive to a particular retailer, but general bonuses this is par for the course.

Wild that it let you pet it. Must be a gentle giant of a bug. 

KOTOR 2 was far, far more ambitious and interesting, but it didn’t quite achieve its objectives (Obsidian tried to pack in too much for their time and budget), and infamously was released incomplete. KOTOR 1 was a bit more conservative (the storyline is such a retread of A New Hope that it’s mildly comical it’s

also top 10 kotaku readers who can’t just scroll past and move on with their lives

I’d like to be excited by this, but, especially after “Attack of the Killer App,” I’m worried the show is going to start suffering like the Simpsons did (and does) from simply running too long. While I didn’t think the last two seasons were bad, on the whole, they did provide what I think was the series’ first truly

Yep, both pronunciations are listed in the OED. My (totally unsubstantiated) take is that tin-uh-tus is more British English, while in America, I’ve only ever heard tin-eye-tus.

He certainly was a man of his time. Passionate creative that has blessed games with his music, but still an old-timey asshole.

Thing is the Republican party is no officially the party of anti-democracy, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism. If you support those things with your vote or your money, you are also a piece of shit.

And you agree with EVERYTHING the democratic party believes in?

I get that the argument is that by supporting someone who directly harm the lgbtq community it goes against what hes saying.

So when something is wrong and you know it, and you recognize it,... you just say nothing?

but if I start going after him and wanting his head on a spike...then I am in no way better then him. Just a even worse, even more toxic assholes that somehow thinks getting a free pass to be such an asshole by being on the “good side”.

What does lack of tech literacy have to do with being a stupid asshole?”

Finally, a commenter of taste. Even when I didn’t have a PS4 I used the controller on PC, replacing the 360 controller that I just didn’t enjoy using. Maybe it’s because I owned a ps2 when I was young and never had any Xboxes, maybe my bones have reset to find the symmetry of dual sticks much more comfortable (even

Your privilege is showing. 

Now that’s next level.

I found Those Who Fight Further to be pretty monotonous, honestly. I liked the variety in The Decisive Battle better. The Man with the Machine Gun (FF8) is jammin’ though.

It’s a start!

I have plenty of unpopular opinions. Monty Python isn’t funny. Paul McCartney writes terrible music. Game of Thrones is boring.