
Beast Wars


Will the Honda Civic Yes leave you saying No?

Dang, i really like these. Considered it a replacement for my ‘04 Matrix when it gets to that point.

So don’t use bullets as fuses?

I knew i should had addressed that. Damn.

Throw some in a fire and let us know how it works out.

That interior screams ‘90s chrysler at me.

Perhaps the german auto makers could send a message to this administration through all the dealerships, service centers, plant, and corporate side employees. Send them all a pink slip in the mail saying something to the effect of “you don’t exist to this president, you work for the enemy, and he wants you to lose your

Summer jumpers for men are in fashion this year. So you’re set there.

I love it when they use clear plastic on gadgets.

I really wanted one in early college (2002ish). I held off because I was trying to not spend much. So I was not cool like your brother :(.

To modernize it more... We’ve always been at war with the media*

Well below the hard deck.