
T’Chaka to his kids: Why can’t you two get along like Marty and his family at the end of that wonderful film?

One of my favorites is probably Stargate SG-1's episode, ‘Window of Opportunity’. I love O’Neill and Teal’c’s antics once they find out that each reset would present itself an opportunity for them to do whatever they wanted to do with no consequences. XD

Reminiscing the good times, while we still can.

Two. There are TWO Marvel movie-related articles today, and only one of them in any way relates to the rather topical fact of the release of a major motion picture/cultural event based on a superhero. The sort of thing that is kind of explicitly io9's wheelhouse.

But it’s less about money, and more about voter mobilization. The amount of money the NRA actually pays to campaigns is pretty minuscule (they only donated $1,085,150 to campaigns during the 2016 election cycle). But when the NRA sends out their listserve emails saying ‘vote against candidate x’ the people who get

Yes. Not that I found Episode 1 bad mind you.

The Digital Underground and JARVIS?

He’s a neo-Nazi. A literal, dyed in the wool neo-Nazi. He interacts daily with neo-Nazi accounts. Some of the biggest neo-Nazi accounts on Twitter are his followers and he follows them back! He interacts with them. He has multiple neo-Nazis in official or unofficial roles on his campaign.

As a republican for 40 years, I’d call you a tad misinformed. So first, let’s give some facts:

tvtropes? Noo.... Must resist until I have a few free hours to poke through...

Speaking of Science in politics, I created a petition for the creation of a national Science Laureate. We have a poet laureate. Why not a SCIENCE LAUREATE? You can read the details here: http://www.change.org/petitions/unit…

In the end, it took mere hours of reflection upon the facts for Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery. If only because he needed to look at the facts from a certain point of view, and then look at them from another. Finally... he discarded the facts altogether. They were superfluous to requirements.

I think the problem with super hero costumes was most accurately summed up in the first X-Men movie - - "What did you expect, yellow spandex?" What works in a comic book more often than not, looks absolutely ridiculous in real life. The Marvel movie folks seem to have figured this out. The DC folks, not so much. Every

In 1988, Richard Lenski plated out a flask of E. coli. In the flask, the bacteria competed with each out for nutrients, and at the end of every day, Lenski, took 1% of the bacteria, and plated them into a new flask.

I remember when Captain America was one of my least favorite heroes. He was too "boring", too optimistic. But as I've grown older, I've actually discovered that the cynicism that made me who I am also crippled me mentally and emotionally. The greyness of the world ruined me, turned me into something I never wanted to

(Just about ) Anyone in Iain Banks' Culture novels.

That was fantastic... especially the end!

I think that another part of the appeal of zombies is that they inevitably give us some band of survivors fighting for survival as the whole world crumbles around them.

If would be better if they disclosed at the top of the graph:

"All scores are based on user submitted data points are are not indicative of actual data provided by official municipal and county sources"

That would make it look at lot more factual and legitimate.